variable not passed to form

For my controller, say actionUpdate(), I added a variable to be passed to the _form.





I read that in the form, I can access the variables directly, such as


but there is no $myvar defined.

Did I misunderstand something??

It should be there. Perhaps you’ll need to pass it along, if in case you want to access it from a subview (partial).


Did you mean that you’re trying to pass a variable into a Form, as in a form model class? If so, that is not the way to do it. What you are doing is passing a boolean variable called ‘myvar’ into the view called ‘update’. As was already pointed out, you should be able to access $myvar in the ‘update’ view (update.php).

Sorry I do not quite understand… What I am trying to do is…

under controllers/UserController.php, under actionUpdate(), I modified the render to become as below. myvar could be a boolean or string or anything…





Then in the views/user/_form.php I am trying to get $myvar but it was not ‘available’. Can I even get $myvar in _form.php?

In the code you are rendering the view ‘update’ which refers to ‘views/user/update.php’. Where in code are you rendering ‘_form’? That is where you need to pass ‘myvar’ if you want to access it in ‘_form.php’.

from youe view update.php wher eyou have $this->renderPartial(’_form’,…)

you need to pass the variables to the renderPartial method where i place … like array(‘model’=>$model, ‘myvar’=>$myvar)

so it should look like

$this->renderPartial(’_form’, array(‘model’=>$model, ‘myvar’=>$myvar))

OH!! Thanks!! ;D