The correct places for uploaded-by-user layout file and css file


Yes in my opinion you have been a very positive element in the forums.

Guys, I’m sure if we were all in the same room right now, everyone would be getting along just fine. Sometimes emails and forum posts get misunderstood and in a forum with multiple language users we might sometimes need a little more patience with each other.


I think there is nothing to discuss about it.

As one will do post what he has committed. So, its very good for the community to have the great resource either in terms for people or code.

Let’s Enjoy the Great Contributions by the Members of the community and make it more useful for themselves.

Let’s forget what happened and start creating a more active along with productive and supportive and friendly community so that we can take it to more advance and useful for the people who are willing to use this productive and effective tool of development for the worthiness of their business and of their clients.

Sorry, everyone… I didn’t realised there are already so many replies here. haha…

Trejder, I can’t keep laughing reading your post~ :lol: I think you don’t misunderstanding…

I am really going to implement the system that user can upload their own layout/css file. Well, initially, we want to create the system that recognise and remove the PHP code or javascript in the layout file(so the layout will be purely be a html with some own created tag). And about CSS, we also trying to set so it only affected to the user who really want to apply it… But I think I must tell the web owner that manually screening the layout/css file is also mandatory.

Then I begin to think… maybe it is better to upload on some place (place that our system would never load it), wait for the admin check the code, and then admin would manually move the code. Is this safer? Because I think I must really, really implement this uploading layout/css thing~

Hey Jun

If you dont care to wait a couple days tops I’ll release the extension I said that does exactly what you want.

Okay… I am looking forward it :D

many thanks to you Gustavo!


Well I totally agree with you, things like this can piss-off. But anyway, as you see - the guy wanted to give you +1 and accidentally gave you -1. And as Good Old Doodle says, it is always better to focus on programming tasks and problems than on people doing some unnecessary noise.

Yeah, I’m also missing jacmoe, especially for his criticism and sarcasm in the very same time. But since within next week it will be like two months since he last time logged in, I fear that you abandoned this forum for good. Maybe forever! :(



is it good that a person who criticize for the best lost us?

We should have to bring him back.

He is good with good criticism.

When we do not have patience we cook noodles. The same with code.

It is a good idea, PeRoChAk but the question is HOW to bring him back, if he is not logging in and is not answering private messages. Do you know his personal e-mail? Has he revealed it or any other form of contact anywhere here?

Thanks Trejder,

I have not any of the contact but through Yii.

According to his personal Blog he is busy in development of an application.

We can ask him to give some of his valuable time to help us and others…

I think we need to rename this thread ‘We miss you Jacmoe!’



LOL! :) You’re right!

And about jacmoe’s blog - it is even more out-of-date than his presence here. Last post comes from middle December. I begin to worry, if he is still alive! :expressionless:

If there are more than 10 posts “agree” to rename this thread ‘We miss you Jacmoe!’, I will change the title ! :lol:


I would rather prefer to find a way getting to know, if he’s all right and going to come back here! :)

But, seriously. Let’s don’t do mess in topic not related to our good memories about jacmoe and in forum not related to anyone at all! :)

I would propose, closing this topic!



at least I found what I need. Still looking forward Gustavo’s extension…

so it’s counted solved, so I’ll just close this thread…

Hopefully, he will be alright where might be he is.

Yea, sorry, I didnt have much time this week, worked a lot in other things … but I worked on it a bit also and its almost done

Since its carnival this next week ( going to travel right now and I’ll be back wednesday ) it will delay a bit more, until friday next week probably

Cheers guys, happy carnival, see you in a week

Finally someone got back to main thread topic! :)

Thanks, Gustavo - same to you, pleasent trip and good work after! :]

Thanks Trejder, it was indeed nice the trip

Still working on it, but worths the time (lots of complex stuff and regular expressions thats why so long)

It will be a very handy extension/module, also I took the time to rewrite the whole code and make it more complete and easy to use for my application too

Like, to use the layout set in the controller


that will load the layout 123

what do you think of the @ ?

any suggestions for implementations ?

Its almost ready, like I said in the my post, probably friday it will be good for you to take a look and test it

EDIT: not friday, but working on it and will be ready soon

I think there is no need to use any sort of special character.

What I might suggest is that

If the ext will use the database to store the information related to the user’s uploaded themes/layouts then we can have it simply by fetching the user data with active skin/layout for the user and set it to as

$this->layout='user layout';

$this->theme='user theme';

One thing more that I would like to says that is

There should be a function call which will overwrite the already set layout…