Symfony 2 faster then Yii!!!

Yii and Symfony2 are both great framework!!! Symfony2 is very big. Yii is very fast (in develop). Are both testable. Are both for agile process.

There are a lot of framework. I am not afraid to be polyglot! We can use both!!!

I have been using yii since the first release. I have done(and still doing) a very complex and big software for a telekom in our country its has a billing/crm/provisioning instances which serve about 200k customers . The app almost doesnt have any GUI, just SOAP, REST and HTTP services. I extensevely use behaviours and events, the app works great. I also have a core of base classes which are just extended by new behaviors which ONLY attach event handlers… Anyway the idea is that you can make enterprise apps with Yii. I only read the starting giude of SF2 and it really looked overdesigned and too complicated. I dont understand why everything is in YAML and need to be double parsed ?! I like the annotations though, I think they should become native in PHP one day.

And for those talking about big , complex enterprise solutions i think yii is good enough, and if yii is not good enough then PHP is not :rolleyes: and I would choose Java.

Fabien Potencier’s Symfony 2 speed claims have proven to be completely unfounded: according to Paul M. Jones (who specializes on framework benchmarks, he is obssessed with them) in his PHPBenelux 2011 presentation (, while Symfony 2 Alpha version was almost as fast as Yii (it seems Potencier tweaked the Alpha version just to make the speed claim) the released (PR4) Symfony 2 is just as slow as S1 and therefore much slower than Yii.

See the attached chart below, only CI and Kohana can claim to be faster than Yii (which is certainly much faster than Symfony 2) and Cake is still dog slow.

That’s been very informative, thanks a ton. For those who struggle to understand the last graph and do not wish to read through the entire presentation: It’s the speed of the shown frameworks in comparison to a bare PHP script echoing “Hello World”.

Actually, the fastest framework in the world is this one.

  • It works on all versions of PHP (yes, even those not released yet)

  • Its FAST. Really fast. The fastest against anything I’ve ever benchmarked it against and is WAY faster then CodeIgniter.

  • Tiny footprint. The whole framework is only a few KB big.

  • Compatible with every database that PHP supports.

  • Pretty good documentation (not fully developed yet).

  • Very small learning curve. If you know PHP, you’ll pick it up right away.

Btw, for client-side scripting you can use VanillaJS framework.

Happy coding.

