SWFUpload Issues an Usage Discussion

I’m building an upload tool using swfupload. The user will have to fill a form with contact data. This data will be emailed to someone. I would like to send the uploaded file names so I’m trying to save the file names in Yii session but I’m getting error 500 when the upload finishes.

Here is my action that save the files:

public function actionSaveFiles()


        if (!isset(Yii::app()->session['fileNames'])) Yii::app()->session['fileNames'] = array();

        $this->uploadFolder = Yii::app()->basePath . '/../uploads';

        $filedata = $_FILES['Filedata'];

        $result = move_uploaded_file($filedata['tmp_name'],$this->uploadFolder . '/' . $filedata['name']); // Not relative. Full path

        if ($result) {

            Yii::app()->session['arquivosEnviados'][] = $filedata['name'];



If I comment the line bellow, the upload works fine:

Yii::app()->session['arquivosEnviados'][] = $filedata['name'];

How can I store the uploaded file names to sent in an email after the user click the finish button?

I used swfupload extension before and it works fine until i used it on my new project and i got a weird error.

My new project was at the same hosting and with same configuration with my previous project that was working.

$_POST and $_FILES variables are empty and definitely when post variable was empty it will return a csrf validation error. Charles web debugging proxy reported that it was submitting data but when it reaches the server it was empty.

Below is my debug info.

---SWFUpload Instance Info---

Version: 2.2.0 2009-03-25

Movie Name: SWFUpload_0


	upload_url:               /igbl/debugger.php

	flash_url:                /igbl/assets/3c073be/swfupload.swf?preventswfcaching=1326707461787

	use_query_string:         false

	requeue_on_error:         false


	assume_success_timeout:   0

	file_post_name:           Filedata

	post_params:              [object Object]

	file_types:               *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png; *.pdf; *.doc; *.ppt; *.txt; *.xls

	file_types_description:   Web Files

	file_size_limit:          102400

	file_upload_limit:        20

	file_queue_limit:         0

	debug:                    true

	prevent_swf_caching:      true

	button_placeholder_id:    spanButtonPlaceholder

	button_placeholder:       Not Set

	button_image_url:         /igbl/images/XPButtonUploadText_61x22.png

	button_width:             61

	button_height:            22


	button_text_style:        color: #000000; font-size: 16pt;

	button_text_top_padding:  0

	button_text_left_padding: 0

	button_action:            -110

	button_disabled:          false

	custom_settings:          [object Object]

Event Handlers:

	swfupload_loaded_handler assigned:  true

	file_dialog_start_handler assigned: true

	file_queued_handler assigned:       true

	file_queue_error_handler assigned:  true

	upload_start_handler assigned:      true

	upload_progress_handler assigned:   true

	upload_error_handler assigned:      true

	upload_success_handler assigned:    true

	upload_complete_handler assigned:   true

	debug_handler assigned:             true

SWF DEBUG: SWFUpload Init Complete



SWF DEBUG: Version:                2.5.0 2010-03-05 Beta 3.2

SWF DEBUG: movieName:              SWFUpload_0

SWF DEBUG: Upload URL:             /igbl/debugger.php

SWF DEBUG: File Types String:      *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png; *.pdf; *.doc; *.ppt; *.txt; *.xls

SWF DEBUG: Parsed File Types:      jpg,jpeg,gif,png,pdf,doc,ppt,txt,xls

SWF DEBUG: HTTP Success:           0

SWF DEBUG: File Types Description: Web Files (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.png; *.pdf; *.doc; *.ppt; *.txt; *.xls)

SWF DEBUG: File Size Limit:        104857600 bytes

SWF DEBUG: File Upload Limit:      20

SWF DEBUG: File Queue Limit:       20

SWF DEBUG: Post Params:

SWF DEBUG:                         YII_CSRF_TOKEN=2053931939f1ba96105df7d705ab17b87ebfc36e

SWF DEBUG:                         PHPSESSID=1fe5bc5cce9d1f95daa20fd5f589f88b


debugger.php is just a plain php script that var_dump $_POST variable to isolate yiiframework from the problem.

problem solve. it has something to do with my .htaccess