[solved] how to send array using ajax for textfield

forgot to put “‘dataType’=> ‘json’,”. case closed.

is it possible by using ajax, the array value from controller then to be used in many textfield. how to do that.



    public function actionCalculateTotal(){

            $total = (!empty($_POST['total'])) ? $_POST['total'] : 0;

            $unformatTotal = Yii::app()->format->unformatNumber($total);

            //$data = Yii::app()->format->number($unformatTotal);

            //if (!empty($data)) { echo CHtml::encode($data); } 	

            $data = array('test1'=>'9876','test2'=>Yii::app()->format->number($unformatTotal));

            foreach($data as $itemData){

                echo CHtml::encode($itemData);







        echo $form->textFieldControlGroup($model,'total',


                'ajax' => array(





                    'success'=>' function(data) { '

                                                    . '$(\'#Installation_discount_nominal\').val(0),'

                                                    . '$(\'#Installation_payment\').val(data[0]),'

                                                    . '$(\'#Installation_balance\').val(0)'

                                . '}',






. ‘$(\’#Installation_payment\’).val(data[0]),’ outputs is “9”, but i want it to be “9876” (see controller). how to do that?

thank you :)