Should we remove controllers from MVC?

Well, that’s a good thing, still. :slight_smile: Sometimes, AR might be slow.

One more thought, now that I stepped over this thread again:
“Should we remove controllers from MVC?” is a bit like “Should we remove cheese from Pizza?”. Of course you can cook a tasty meal with all Pizza ingredients and leave out the cheese - but one would not call that Pizza any more.
MVC is a well defined and teached technique, so anyone starting to learn Yii would expect controllers somewhere - and be irritated by a welcome statement explaining why the C was left out of this MVC framework.

There are a number of variants of MVC, like MVVP and what have you. Replacing controllers with controller action classes is not that big a shift, I think.

MVC is consistently misunderstood, and only reflect one aspect of a code-base (maybe not even the most important aspect). I’d be willing to remove MVC from MVC. :smiley:

Ok, a man who’d remove Pizza from Pizza must be on a real mission :slight_smile:

It’s just a design pattern. One shouldn’t get too hung up.

For the sake of a larger user community, I’d prefer to stick to established concepts.

Yii 3 will have both.