
Hi all!

I’ve just updated the demo. I’m trying to make it more user friendly, so the it doesn’t matter if the user knows anything about scrum or not, to work with it.


Muy bueno, impresionantemente fácil de usar

Looks great! Well done.

Awesome app!!! The user interface is brilliant according to me.

Still I wish searches were case-insensitive on the projects page.

Great work, keep it up!

This is so nice and neat. Have you used any third party widgets, extensions or alike to accomplish the application?

Hi Hindol! Thanks for your feedback! I have already modified the filters to make them case insensitive, as you suggested, I will upload a new version next week, with this change, and many more improvements.


Hi! I’m glad you like it! I have justed some jquery plugins as highCharts an fullCalendar for both charts and calendar views, everything else it’s just the power of yii and jquery.


Really nice stuff! :)

Clean and modern - I really like it.

But - I have one complaint:

The interface would be a lot snappier if that side menu didn’t have to slide upon scroll - it really slows the navigation down.

Maybe it could be changed so that it slides only when the user has stopped scrolling the page?

Just a thought - to make the interface more fluid. ;)

Hi jacmoe!

Thanks for your feedback, I’m glad you liked it!

What browser are you using? I’ll check the navigation issues with the same one for the next release.


Hi all!!!

I have uploaded a new version of Scrumrf, and a new landing page for it.

Now you can register so you can have your own pojects and team members.

Hope you like it!


Nice design and easy to use.

The Active Projects on the dashboard is giving me an endless scroll down the page.

Also, how did you do the status filter/search on the projects page?

I’m just getting my head round Yii after using Zend Framework for a while.

The scrolling issues hasn’t got anything to do with what browser I am using, it’s just bad design in my book.

When I scroll a site, I want it to be as fast as possible - a moving sidebar which follows my every move is just unnecessary.

The ‘right thing to do’ would be to scroll that sidebar into place - if ever - when the user has stopped scrolling.

I am sure that jQuery has a callback for that event.

Just a small nitpick - one of the places where jQuery just gets in your way IMO.

My frein! Ponerle inglis que os estais perdiendo una buena jartá de mercao!

(Yo ya me registré)

Hola Antonio!

Le he puesto inglés, pero lo coge en el landing page de la configuración del browser, pero al registrarte puedes seleccionar el idioma de la app… no te funciona bién el landing page? Voy a echarle un vistazo!

Eso está muy bien, pero qué pasa si soy un inglés usando el navegador de otro que está en español? Yo seguiría incluyendo la opción de las banderitas (de alguna forma cool por supuesto)

This is very interesting. What type of project management use case does this address? The user interface is crisp and it reminds me a little bit of Basecamp. Do you intend to use it internally or perhaps publish it?

cool design. well done. :rolleyes:

what is your final stack about this project? open source or you selling ??

i really wish to have it for some of my project management <_< <_<

Hola Antonio, ya he añadido lo de los idiomas… ;)

Hi! It’s desgined to agile managemente based on scrum ,I have already published it here as a beta version:

Hi! I’m glad you liked it!

Well, for now it’s going to be free, but limited as is a beta version, and we are not a company, just a couple of friends trying to create a startup. This is the first app of three we are planing to launch for this purpose.

You can register here

and start using it if you like ;)
