Query Builder, select text as a column?

I am trying to do this, works in plain old mysql but I think the yii model is not liking it.

->select(’“db4” as dbconn, tran_id’)

where dbconn is not a real column and "db4" is just text.

But yii thinks "db4" should be a column, and I am not sure how to get around that.

Unknown column ‘“db4”’ in ‘field list’.

Instead of query builder I just used a direct SQL statement and it works great.

So I have something like this:

$dbConnection = Yii::app()->db;

$db4Connection = Yii::app()->db4;

$dbSql = 'SELECT "db" AS dbconn, tran_id FROM trans WHERE active = 1';

$db4Sql = 'SELECT "db4" AS dbconn, tran_id FROM trans WHERE active = 1';

$dbCommand = $dbConnection->createCommand($dbSql);

$db4Command = $db4Connection->createCommand($db4Sql);


$dbResult = $dbCommand->queryAll();

$db4Result = $db4Command->queryAll();

$result = array_merge($dbResult,$db4Result);