PHPIDE to develope app with Yii

it solves the problem, which I told yesterday?

Nagash, no. For Yii::app() it works, but “user…” it won’t see. (netbeans)

TextMate :slight_smile: and Aptana for complex debugging

especially with textmate bundle it’s fantastic :slight_smile:

Netbeans rulezzzz


I’m a big netBeans fan, but keep ending up with VIM every now and then, which is an “old fashioned” text editor. Doesn’t have all the fancy whistles and stuff, but it never let me down either!

Well, if someone is writing a Yii extension, let me know :)


ps: and yes, VIM is better than emacs - hehe

Netbeans is good.

VIM with CTAGS should be good :) haven’t tried it as yet though.

i’ve been using netbeans in Kubuntu

its a very good and complete editor, sometimes it loses the code completion though
