PHPIDE to develope app with Yii

PHPEd here too

KomodoEdit all the way.

It's free, It's Open Source, and does not have that bloated feeling Eclipse/Zend/Aptana seem to have (IMO).

Another cool editor is InType.  It’s like a textmate for windows.

In my opinion, each editor has its own purpose.  It’s not so much that some are better than others… but some are more appropriate than others - given the situation.

I am personally using Aptana because I want to try out the Cloud and also because it has integrated functionality for Git and working with unlimited team members.  It's nice to have everything all in one place.  I'm using WAMP, Aptana, and Yii - it's great.

To those who responded - I'll definitely share my Cloud experience with you guys.


I I'm using WAMP, Aptana, and Yii - it's great.

Aptana code assist work with Yii?

I could not do it  :-[


Aptana code assist work with Yii?

I could not do it  :-[

You might need to set your project nature.  In Aptana, right click on your project -> properties -> project natures … and then set it to PHP.


high five phreak

i thought I was the only one

And another  :)


What is your favorite IDE ?

Netbeans rules!!

have a look also to this thread that is on the same topic:




Surprised that PhpDesigner hasn't featured! I find it fast, with all the features expected of an IDE (auto FTP if set, for example). A bonus for me is that it exports to LaTeX.

It’s the nearest working Visual Studio IDE PHP equivalent I’ve found. Then again, we all have preferences  ;)

This subject has come at a good time. I'm writing up the PHP editor/IDE part of a Yii webdev tutorial (for Xampp on Win with MySQL).

Forgive the stupid question. How can I get support code assist in Aptanacode , if i access to "user" like


Eg, if i enter

$user = new CWebUser();

echo $user->getId(); //code assist is work


Yii::app()->user->getId(); //code assist don’t work :(


I use NetBeans on both Linux and Windows environment. No complaints so far, I tried Aptana before but it was way too slow for me.


I use NetBeans (on Linux) too.

Editplus 4Ever!

it solves the problem, which I told yesterday?

Nagash, no. For Yii::app() it works, but “user…” it won’t see. (netbeans)

TextMate :slight_smile: and Aptana for complex debugging

especially with textmate bundle it’s fantastic :slight_smile:

Netbeans rulezzzz


I’m a big netBeans fan, but keep ending up with VIM every now and then, which is an “old fashioned” text editor. Doesn’t have all the fancy whistles and stuff, but it never let me down either!

Well, if someone is writing a Yii extension, let me know :)


ps: and yes, VIM is better than emacs - hehe

Netbeans is good.

VIM with CTAGS should be good :) haven’t tried it as yet though.

i’ve been using netbeans in Kubuntu

its a very good and complete editor, sometimes it loses the code completion though
