Hello, I have a CGridView set up with $dataProvider->pagination->pageSize = 8 and $dataProvider->totalItemCount = 8. So basically I want to only display 8 results with no pagination. Everything works great except when I sort. The behavior that I want is that if you sort by a column, it will only sort the 8 items displayed. However, it actually sorts the entire list of results, not just the 1 page that is displayed. Any solution to this? Thanks.
I don’t think so, because the pagination the way I do it works. It only shows 8 items and 1 page, which is what I want. The search returns a dataProvider so if I save $model->search() to $dataProvider and edit pagination that way it works just fine. The issue doesn’t really have to do with getting the pagination to work normally. I guess everything works as intended.
However, I am trying to alter the functionality of the CGridView sort so that it only sorts the 8 items in the initially displayed table. What I mean is, with totalItemCount=8, it will only show 8 items, even if there are normally 100 results. I want it so that when I sort it ONLY sorts those 8 items, excluding the other 92 items that didn’t show up originally. Thanks.