Nested Sub Categories

Dear oflodor

I hope the following would serve the purpose in your case.

Let us assume that we have table item: columns id, name,brand..

Items are catagorized internally by different brands.

Now if we want to create a checkBoxList on some other model.

We can do the following.


foreach($data as $brand=>$itemList)

{     echo $brand;

      echo CHtml::activeCheckBoxList($model,'someAttribute',$itemList,array('container'=>'div','style'=>'margin-left:10px;'));


Let us consider a relation.

Table item Model Item: columns id,name ,b_id

Table brand Model Brand :columns id,name.

Relation between Item and Brand.


public function relations()


		return array(

			'brand' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Brand', 'b_id'),



We can do the following to create a checkBoxList.


foreach($data as $brand=>$itemList)

{     echo $brand;

      echo CHtml::activeCheckBoxList($model,'someAttribute',$itemList,array('container'=>'div','style'=>'margin-left:10px;'));

