[Module] Yii User Management Module

Why not move the project to Bitbucket or Github instead?

Then people can fork/clone the project and issue a merge/pull request.

It’s so much easier than deal with a clunky SVN merge…

Just my two cents… ;)

If you are a SVN user, you might find Mercurial (Bitbucket) the easiest way.

Google just accepted a proposal to add pull request link to their google code hosting interface.

So if it’s already on Google code, then consider switching to Mercurial instead.

That’s less work for you. :)


Vote for it here:



Got it. YUM is now our Godzilla. :)

lol! The image that comes to my mind is Willy Coyote putting that hush puppy face he does raising a little sign with a “WTF!” written on it. Then comes the big rock. :D

Let me do the hard work. But I have to ask you all, developers, please to stop the machine for this weekend, so I can do the cut & paste stuff and finally commit it. It won’t be easy but what the hell. :)

I use myself mercurial/bitbucket.org for my own projects. The problem with Bitbucket is that to get access to a repo for >5 developers you have to use your credit card AFAIK.

Thats a major decisition. And that depends of the project leader and contributors.

With my two cents, now we have 4 cents. ;)

How is that a problem?

People just have to clone the project and issue a pull request. That’s easy enough. ;)

The changes of the patch I made are merged and commited. Please download and test.

I’m in the middle of a project now so please report bugs to the Issues interface in the Google Code project’s page and I’ll fix it when I have a little bit of free time.

Information about the changes applied here.

You got a point. That’s why you’re an Advanced Member and I’m a Newbie! ;)

So, how many cents we have? :D


I just downloaded the latest release in yii extension (YiiUserManagement_0.7.tar.bz2), and profile view files are missing!

Please provide a complete release.


And checking of inbox results to error:

PHP Error


include(Yum.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Source File


00329:      * @param string class name

00330:      * @return boolean whether the class has been loaded successfully

00331:      */

00332:     public static function autoload($className)

00333:     {

00334:         // use include so that the error PHP file may appear

00335:         if(isset(self::$_coreClasses[$className]))

00336:             include(YII_PATH.self::$_coreClasses[$className]);

00337:         else if(isset(self::$_classes[$className]))

00338:             include(self::$_classes[$className]);

00339:         else

00340:         {

00341: include($className.'.php');

00342:             return class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false);

00343:         }

00344:         return true;

00345:     }


00347:     /**

00348:      * Writes a trace message.

00349:      * This method will only log a message when the application is in debug mode.

00350:      * @param string message to be logged

00351:      * @param string category of the message

00352:      * @see log

00353:      */

Stack Trace

#0 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/YiiBase.php(341): autoload()

#1 unknown(0): autoload()

#2 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/base/CComponent.php(616) : eval()'d code(2): spl_autoload_call()

#3 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/base/CComponent.php(616): eval()

#4 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CDataColumn.php(132): CDataColumn->evaluateExpression()

#5 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CGridColumn.php(135): CDataColumn->renderDataCellContent()

#6 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CGridView.php(457): CDataColumn->renderDataCell()

#7 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CGridView.php(430): CGridView->renderTableRow()

#8 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/zii/widgets/grid/CGridView.php(343): CGridView->renderTableBody()

#9 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/zii/widgets/CBaseListView.php(158): CGridView->renderItems()

#10 unknown(0): CGridView->renderSection()

#11 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/zii/widgets/CBaseListView.php(141): preg_replace_callback()

#12 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/zii/widgets/CBaseListView.php(127): CGridView->renderContent()

#13 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CBaseController.php(166): CGridView->run()

#14 /home/fromWindows/yumtest/protected/modules/user/views/messages/index.php(37): YumMessagesController->widget()

#15 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CBaseController.php(119): require()

#16 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CBaseController.php(88): YumMessagesController->renderInternal()

#17 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CController.php(798): YumMessagesController->renderFile()

#18 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CController.php(739): YumMessagesController->renderPartial()

#19 /home/fromWindows/yumtest/protected/modules/user/controllers/YumMessagesController.php(97): YumMessagesController->render()

#20 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/actions/CInlineAction.php(50): YumMessagesController->actionIndex()

#21 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CController.php(300): CInlineAction->run()

#22 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/filters/CFilterChain.php(133): YumMessagesController->runAction()

#23 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/filters/CFilter.php(41): CFilterChain->run()

#24 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CController.php(1049): CAccessControlFilter->filter()

#25 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/filters/CInlineFilter.php(59): YumMessagesController->filterAccessControl()

#26 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/filters/CFilterChain.php(130): CInlineFilter->filter()

#27 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CController.php(283): CFilterChain->run()

#28 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CController.php(257): YumMessagesController->runActionWithFilters()

#29 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(324): YumMessagesController->run()

#30 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(121): CWebApplication->runController()

#31 /home/fromWindows/YiiFramework/framework/base/CApplication.php(135): CWebApplication->processRequest()

#32 /home/fromWindows/yumtest/index.php(13): CWebApplication->run()

I think this is a basic feature which should be tested first before releasing. Guess I’m just tired, I’ll just wait for the reply before proceeding.

maybe a new public release should be made soon lots of code has been changed,

yes, the 0.7 release is totally broken. Either you use the svn at http://code.google.com/p/yii-user-management/source/checkout or wait for the 0.8 release. Unfortunately i can’t tell when this will be released. There are always getting more and more features in that svn so it’s difficult for me to tell a release Date…

there were chirvo adding the facebook connect API recently. Now i want to get openID and Twitter in. The new Usergroup feature needs to get completed by me, the roles system is being reworked right now - and i want a profileComment feature… and already many, new ideas…

it is not clear when you say the facebook.php api is needed,

I am assuming you are meaning this https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk/ right?

I have just downloaded the svn release, and I must say that I’m impressed with the additions (have not tested it yet, but the ideas are great!)

I suggest that the 0.7 release be fixed still, or at least be given with the complete set of working codes so as not to disappoint more users, thus gain more comments and suggestions and perhaps the version 1 will be ready early next year :)

I have three issues to consult regarding the SVN I downloaded just now:

  1. When I go to Manage Profiles, viewing a profile leads to:

YumProfileController cannot find the requested view "/friendship/friends".

Source File


00795:     {

00796:         if(($viewFile=$this->getViewFile($view))!==false)

00797:         {

00798:             $output=$this->renderFile($viewFile,$data,true);

00799:             if($processOutput)

00800:                 $output=$this->processOutput($output);

00801:             if($return)

00802:                 return $output;

00803:             else

00804:                 echo $output;

00805:         }

00806:         else

00807: throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','{controller} cannot find the requested view "{view}".',

00808:                 array('{controller}'=>get_class($this), '{view}'=>$view)));

00809:     }

  1. I have two users (the admin and demo). And when I update a user’s information,say the admin’s email address from email1 to email2, clicking on Manage Profiles shows that there are 3 records already: an admin account with email2,another admin account with email1, and then the demo account which is untouched (is it supposed to be like that?) Clicking on a record of the admin which has email1 results to a fatal error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getFriends() on a non-object in /path/to/yumtest/protected/modules/user/controllers/YumProfileController.php on line 110 

  1. Manage Profiles still says ‘Manage Users’ (only with bigger font compared to the Show Users) :)

hi mjkulet, thanks for trying yum-svn.

1.) i forgot to add that view file to the repository. will do that in my next commit.

2.) that is intended. if ‘profileHistory’ is set to true, which is by default, profiles are kept for the future,

so the admin and the user can see when he changed what. this can be disabled in the config, and the user<->profile is 1:1. This behavior may change in the future, if i use something like the AuditTrail extension to keep track of data changes.

3.) where exactly ?

and: i have included the facebook.php in the repository now.

I just uploaded the files from the trunk, and these are my comments:

  1. Viewing of profile is now ok, but still has a lot of rooms for improvement (like the profile details being at the bottom of the navigation panel, and the profile comments which is almost out of sight).

  2. I did the same steps in my previous comment, and though the fatal error is gone, the page is just blank when I hit the magnifying lens (view).



  1. I added an invitation message so demo could add admin as friend, yet when I opened demo’s invitation, I did’nt see his invitatin message.

  2. When I recieve a message and I hit reply, it results to endless loop: 1051

The modal message keeps on popping-up.

If I may suggest, the modal window will just contain the view link (which closes the modal automatically), and below or under the message, are the options to go to inbox,reply to the sender or delete the message.

Now that I’m reading this comment before submitting it, I think these are just minor issues compared to what this extension can do :) Nevertheless, I don’t think these issues will be appreciated by extension users once the new public release is out.

Probably I’m loving this extension now that’s why I’m doing this. I’m not trying to sound smart or anything, just want to voice out my opinion as an extension-user.

I need to go home now, will just continue checking it at home.:)


I’m also new to this SVN thingy…when is the best time to check it out? or anytime is the best time since the codes in the svn are supposed to be ready for testing?


Guess I’ll just put my bug reports at google code :)

Apologies for being newbie-ish :D

The preliminary version needed it. Now thyseus included the file in application.modules.user.vendors. Now there’s no need to download it.

I made a document sketch about how to activate the FB Connect thing. Look for it in the Project’s Wiki.

Hahah, no problem. I’m a Newbie either.

Newbies are the new cool. :)

think there is a problem with your facebook connect in the call in the main layout

$fbconfig = Yum::module()->facebook;

if ($fbconfig) {




    $facebook = new Facebook($fbconfig); <=Here we are only passing the value of $fbconfig which is true, we need to pass the config in main can someone help plz??? 

    $fb_session = $facebook->getSession();





                        $action = $this->action->id;

                        if($action != 'facebook')







also my config is set up as such, could you point about ne errors


	'user' => array(

	 'modules' => array(





        'debug' => true,









        'lang'=>'en_US', //es_LA, de_DE, cz_CZ, etc.
