Jquery Mobile + Yii

I think that Yii is going to use Bootstrap 2 and a responsive approach to mobile browsing.

I hope they will also move jQuery UI out of the core (as it overlaps with many Bootstrap components).

jQuery UI is not part of the core.

How many times does this need to be pointed out?

The highly optional Zii components does use JQuery UI, but that won’t be a problem since you won’t be using those when you’re using the Bootstrap components, am I right?

Yes, the team went with the most popular web development template right now, aka Bootstrap from Twitter.

I guess we can live with that. ;)

Awesome! I knew that you will somehow solve the issue. :)) Thaaaanks for that. I’ve heard they’ve (Tweeter Team) done pretty good job with Bootstrap. Together with Yii it would be an awesome combination.

They did a great job in creating a small starter framework made to ensure a consistent look and feel across all their internal apps.

And then it was released to the public horde. ;)

Zii has been merged to the core with version 1.1.0. I already explained this to you several times. It happened before you joined this forum.

Components redundancy should be avoided in the core package.

‘zii’ has not been merged to core Yii.

It ships with it, but it is entirely optional.

It is not in ‘web.widgets’.

It resides in the ‘zii’ directory.

The JQuery UI wrapper widgets are to be found in ‘zii.widgets.JUI’.

So it’s not in core.

One could imagine that a set of widgets was made which went into a ‘boot’ directory, next to the ‘JUI’ directory.

But that wouldn’t make it core either.

Your mission in life seems to be to disagree with me. :)

I disagree with you when you are plain wrong.

Zii components are not in “web.widgets” just for BC reasons, see this ticket: http://code.google.c.../detail?id=1541 ;)

Still, zii is part of the core package since Yii 1.1.0.

That sounds like something which I agree with disagreeing about.

It shouldn’t be core.

I like it the way it is now: in a separate directory so that we know what parts of Yii we can get away with not using.

Merging it into web.widgets feels wrong.

That doesn’t rhyme with flexibility and a tight core.

So, yeah: zii - judging from Qiangs comment - could be seen as a core bit of Yii.

Looks sneaky to me.

So, you are right, and I am wrong.

Maybe back to topic one more statement to Jquery Mobile.

I think it’s important, that Jquery Mobile in Yii Version 2.0 is available in the same way like Jquery (Standard) in Yii 1.x.

So i can register an Jquery Mobile script if it is needed.

At my current point of view, for me it’s not important if it is part of the (main) core. For me it’s im1poratant that is is available, if i have installed Yii - same think like Jquery (standard) is available / accessible in Yii 1.x without adding additional thinks.


I partially agree with you.

Just to give an example, to generate the following html code

<div data-role="collapsible-set">

   <div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="false">

      <h3> Section 1 </h3>

      <p>I'm the collapsible content for section 1. </ p>


   <div data-role="collapsible">

      <h3> Section 2 </h3>

      <p>I'm the collapsible content for section 2. </ p>



Php code is required

$contentAccordion['Section 1'] = "I'm the collapsible content for section 1.";

$contentAccordion['Section 2'] = "I'm the collapsible content for section 2.";


  array (

    'panels' => $contentAccordion,

    'options' => array (

      'animated' => 'bounceslide'

      'heightStyle' => 'auto',


    'htmlOptions' => array (

      'data-role' => 'collapsible-set'

      'data-theme' => 'c',

      'data-content-theme' => 'd'




With this I can add the data-role = "collapsible-set ’

but not so data-role = ‘collapsible’ for each accordion-panel

But I think that this could simply change the way to create a CJUIAccordion.

Thus instead of

$this-> widget ('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAccordion', array (

  'panels' => array (

    'panel 1' => 'content for panel 1',

    'panel 2' => 'content for panel 2',


  //Additional javascript options for the accordion plugin

  'options' => array (

    'animated' => 'bounceslide'



Can be created as follows

$this-> widget ('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAccordion', array (

  'panels' => array (

    'panelID'=>array('title'=>'panel 1', 'content'=>'content for panel 1 ','options'=>'arrayOfSomeOptions',' htmlOptions'=>'arrayOfSomeHtmlOptions'),

    'panelID'=>array('title'=>'panel 1', 'content'=>'content for panel 1 ','options'=>'arrayOfSomeOptions',' htmlOptions'=>'arrayOfSomeHtmlOptions'),


  //Additional javascript options for the accordion plugin

  'options' => array (

    'animated' => 'bounceslide'



Please let me know if I’m wrong

First and foremost i would like to say that this discussion has helped me a lot to cement the choice that i had to make on the future of the project that i was working on. I was really disapointed on the choice Yii took to choose blueprint framework simply because the project seemed to have lost momentum.

Its now 2014.

Yii has released Yii 2.0.0 alpha.

Is it already known what comes packaged in the new Yii?

jquerymobile, bootstrap or blueprint lives on? or is it smarty ?

By default Bootstrap 3.0 is embedded with Yii 2.0. Bootstrap 3.0 CSS/JS is designed as mobile-first.