Mate everything is custom codded… Implementing your upgrade is very easy. Just in user controller create action that will update user status in database to 1 once admin press some button in his CMS. You can put that button anywhere you want. For example on User page instead of "delete user" button, you can put "manage user" button. And once admin press it, he will be redirected on page where user details are presented to him, and there you may have "deactivate user", "delete user" and other options.
I haven’t implemented that in template because needs may be different from system to system, and template is supposed to be reusable as a start point in most of your applications that you are building.
Small fix for advanced template is included in release.
Before, if you would try to run migrate/create command, migration tool would complain that it can not locate theme. Issue is fixed by adding one line of code to _protected/console/config/main.php file. You can, but you do not need, to download fresh template. If you already have working project, just add this line of code inside components section :
'view' => null
So inside _protected/console/config/main.php your components config will look like this:
I am thinking to create V2 of improved advanced template. I have some really cool ideas about what can be added/changed in this template, and I think that you will be delighted. I am preparing some really cool things fo you. But before I start working on it I would like to ask you, do you have any suggestions / requests ? Is there something that you do not like in improved advanced template, something that can be changed ? Maybe you would like to see something new ? Let me know and if many people want the same thing, I will see if I can implement it. I am not going to tell you yet what I want to add to V2 , I want it to be surprise
Update 1.2.2 has been released that fixes 404 issue that some people had. When they was trying to use main menu they were getting 404s. Big thanks to Ernie D who reported it.
And about this new template that I am making, actually it’s not going to be advanced template V2, it is more like a CMS . It will be amazing. Send me your requests to pm or post here. Cya
They bring some improvements for the existing features, a lot of polishing, new amazing themes, performance increase and more.
You can read about v2 changes on extensions pages given in my signature or on GitHub. I haven’t updated tutorial on yet, but I hope I will do it tomorrow or for weekend.
If you are using version 1.2.3 for your current projects you do not need to upgrade. But for your new projects I highly recommend using version 2.0 since it is slightly better and more polished.
Thank you very much for the templates and tutorials. They helped me tremendously in starting and developing in Yii2.
I especially like how you put lots of functionalists into the Basic Templates. I need many features for my web sites (those features found only in the official Advanced template), but I DO NOT want "environments" and the $%^&#&*! complicated directory structures and other enterprise-y setup. I am only a lowly freelance PHP developer who creates stuff for local hardware store or small online apps, which are hosted on $6/month shared servers.
With the current official offering and current Yii2 documentation (or lack there of), it’s difficult to get up to speed. Maybe I am not the target user of Yii2 anymore. I don’t know. I apologize for the rant.
Thank you, I am glad that you like them. Before version 2 of my templates I was using advanced template most of the time, but with these changes I made, I became a huge fan of basic template too.
Don’t think that you are not target user of yii2. Yii2 is very young framework and that is the reason for the lack of tutorials and books. Hopefully things will get better in the future. I am using yii for about 2 years and still I do not know everything and I learn new things every day.
One small query on this template… is there any way to target a frontend site url from a backend view? Using any of the normal url generation methods obviously generated urls with the backend folder appended. Any assistance appreciated!
Hi Nenad, have you thought about creating a micro-framework for Yii2, which is in the similar fashion of Silex(based on Symfony), Sinatra (Ruby) or Flask(Python)? I think it will be very attractive in giving new users a quick taste of Yii2’s immense power, also very handy in prototyping and creating single page applications.
I am just thinking out loud here, please forgive me if this doesn’t make much sense. Thanks again.
At this moment I am working on cms/enterprise application template that will allow us to build modern web applications with amazing pace. It will come with strong core functionalities and core modules that are easy to install, use and upgrade. I can not tell you more about this since I am in the "designing" phase. But I will give my best to make it simple and easy to use, plus it will be easy to upgrade/modify.
NOTE: Target users of this application are programmers, I am not building new Drupal.
translation support has been included and Serbian translation has been added
themes have been improved
new roles, permissions and rules are added
some code refactoring has been done
If you would like these templates to support your language, you can contribute by making a pull request on Github.
If you inspect version 2.1.0 templates, you will see new folder "translations" with "sr" ( Serbian ) translations included. You can use it to create your language translations, and submit them to me on Github. That way you do not need to copy/paste/translate template every time you want to use it.
Tomorrow I will update tutorial that is explaining how to use these templates to reflect the changes made in this release.
There are no bug fixes in this version, so if you are using older than 2.1.0 you do not need to upgrade. But of course, for new applications this version is surely better.
in version 2.1.0 of advanced template there is password reset link in backend login form, and it shouldn’t be there, I forgot to remove it before release . If you are using 2.1.0 for your new project remove that link, or use 2.1.1. Sorry for that
I am very new to Yii and Composer. I was wondering if when a new version of Yii is released then do the Yii libraries in the Improved Advanced Application template also get updated to the new version. I think the organization in this template makes way more sense than the default Application Template and Nenad has done a great job with it. Yii 2.0.3 was released earlier this month, but the template has not been updated in two months.
Version 2.2.0 has been released. You can see the list of changes in file or change log at extension pages provided in my signature.
The biggest change is that uploads folder has been added to the templates along with the @uploads alias that you can use. Uploads folder is added in the root of application, so if you are using advanced template you can use this folder in both frontend and backend applications.
For example, if you have image "cool_image.png" inside your uploads folder, you can display it in you view like this :
<?= Html::img('@uploads/cool_image.png') ?>
Big THANKS to MeFuMo and hior who provided Russian, Spanish and other translations.
Thanks everyone for using these templates, we will hit 3k downloads soon, yaaay
The 2.3.0 version of improved basic template has been released. It brings a lot of optimisations and code improvements.
Now it is time for me to start working on 2.3.0 version of advanced template too, all of improvements made in basic will be done in advanced too, plus there is one nice surprise that I am preparing for advanced version.