HTML5 active input type


Is there a way to use HTML5 input fields such as email and url with CHtml helper?

Currently, I don’t think CHtml has any methods specifically for building HTML5 tags. You can use CHtml::tag() to build the input tag with a type=“email” attribute. You can also extend CHtml and write your own methods for generating HTML5 tags.

Thanks. I ended up creating my own class extending CHtml.

Is it worth sharing it?

Here is a very simple version created from the docs that can be used.




 * Html5 extends the CHtml helper class to allow you to override 

 * the HTML INPUT type attribute directly in the html options parameter.

 * This class can be modified for more html5 features. 



class Html5 extends CHtml{


	public static function textField($name,$value='',$htmlOptions=array()){


	    $type = isset($htmlOptions['type']) && !empty($htmlOptions['type']) ? $htmlOptions['type'] : "text";

	    return self::inputField($type,$name,$value,$htmlOptions);



	public static function activeTextField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array()){



	    $type = isset($htmlOptions['type']) && !empty($htmlOptions['type']) ? $htmlOptions['type'] : "text";

	    return self::activeInputField($type,$model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);




Thanks, I’m writing various mobile sites and this is going to be very useful for me until Yii add support for them. Posted on my birthday too, thanks for the nice present :)

With a few simple additions you get a lazy mode for placeholders, and client validation for required fields.





 * Html5 extends the CHtml helper class to allow you to override 

 * the HTML INPUT type attribute directly in the html options parameter.

 * This class can be modified for more html5 features. 



class Html5 extends CHtml


	public static function textField($name,$value='',$htmlOptions=array()){


		$type = isset($htmlOptions['type']) && !empty($htmlOptions['type']) ? $htmlOptions['type'] : "text";




		return self::inputField($type,$name,$value,$htmlOptions);


	public static function activeTextField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array()){



		$type = isset($htmlOptions['type']) && !empty($htmlOptions['type']) ? $htmlOptions['type'] : "text";




		return self::activeInputField($type,$model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);






 * ActiveForm extends the CActiveForm widget class to allow you to override 

 * the HTML INPUT type attribute directly in the html options parameter.

 * This class can be modified for more html5 features. 



class ActiveForm extends CActiveForm


	public function textField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions=array())


		return Html5::activeTextField($model,$attribute,$htmlOptions);



Then in config add






In view use

<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('ActiveForm'); ?>

FYI since 1.1.11 Yii now supports url, email, number, range and date HTML5 form elements.