how to mix different models in a single page.

how do you mix/put different/multiple models in a single page? :blink:

single page = single view? Please clarify. If that is the case you could instantiate different models in the your action in the controller class such as:>

public function actionMyaction()


$model1 = new Model1();

$model2 = new Model2(); some more stuff....

$this->render('myaction', array('model1'=>$model1, 'model2'=>$model2));


In your view file you could access $model1 and $model2 depending on what they return in terms of value.

This works for me. Hope it helps

yeah that’s what i was looking for… lemme check that out and give you a feedback. thanks. :D

still doesn’t show… no error’s no anything… just what it looked like before putting those things… ???

public function actionList()


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;


		$pages=new CPagination(Event::model()->count($criteria));



		// Is the event published or not?

		$criteria->condition = "publish = 1";



		$model = new Banners;








What would you expect to be returned. Are you sure that your queries return data? try to print_r/var_dump your ActiveRecords to see if they indeed return data.

they actually return data…

okay let me explain a bit further.

i have two models, Event and Banners. Of which, event is the defaultController.

now as i said above, event is the default controller and when i visit my site, it displays the events perfectly.

then i change the default controller to banners and it displays banners now, but just the banners, i mean i manipulate their respective data via an admin section which i developed myself. but that’s out of the question.

now i want my site to have the events, as it is seen by default, and the banners at the side, co-existing with the event model.

darn this is hard as digging through a concrete wall with your bare hands. :wacko:

which part doesn’t show? $model or $models? Is the actionList() the same for both controllers?

i actually have the slightest idea… but this is the one inside my BannersControllers


	 * Lists all models.


	public function actionIndex()


		$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Banners');





and this is the one in my default controller


	 * Lists all models.


	public function actionList()


		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;

		$banner_model = new Banners();

		$banner = $banner_model->findAll();

		$limit = 3;

		$pages=new CPagination(Event::model()->count($criteria));



                $criteria->condition = "publish = 1";













can i just include() the other class in my main controller? coz now that i did that, it asks for the inclusion of Banner.php which is a model. and when i include it it somehow returns an error due to an invalid directory inside the include.

this is what shows up after including the Banner model

PHP Error


include(Banner.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Source File


00180:         else

00181:             self::$_aliases[$alias]=rtrim($path,'\\/');

00182:     }

00183:     public static function autoload($className)

00184:     {

00185:         // use include so that the error PHP file may appear

00186:         if(isset(self::$_coreClasses[$className]))

00187:             include(YII_PATH.self::$_coreClasses[$className]);

00188:         else if(isset(self::$_classes[$className]))

00189:             include(self::$_classes[$className]);

00190:         else

00191:         {

00192:  /* this is highlighted*/ include($className.'.php');

00193:             return class_exists($className,false) || interface_exists($className,false);

00194:         }

00195:         return true;

00196:     }

00197:     public static function trace($msg,$category='application')

00198:     {

00199:         if(YII_DEBUG)

00200:             self::log($msg,CLogger::LEVEL_TRACE,$category);

00201:     }

00202:     public static function log($msg,$level=CLogger::LEVEL_INFO,$category='application')

00203:     {

00204:         if(self::$_logger===null)

Stack Trace

#0 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(192): autoload()

#1 unknown(0): autoload()

#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\viasatondemand\protected\controllers\EventController.php(276): spl_autoload_call()

#3 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(3430): EventController->actionList()

#4 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(3002): CInlineAction->run()

#5 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(5655): EventController->runAction()

#6 C:\xampp\yii\framework\web\widgets\COutputCache.php(147): CFilterChain->run()

#7 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(5652): COutputCache->filter()

#8 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(5664): CFilterChain->run()

#9 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(3334): CAccessControlFilter->filter()

#10 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(5697): EventController->filterAccessControl()

#11 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(5652): CInlineFilter->filter()

#12 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(2992): CFilterChain->run()

#13 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(2977): EventController->runActionWithFilters()

#14 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(1542): EventController->run()

#15 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(1434): CWebApplication->runController()

#16 C:\xampp\yii\framework\yiilite.php(1049): CWebApplication->processRequest()

#17 C:\xampp\htdocs\viasatondemand\index.php(11): CWebApplication->run()

Are you sure is not a typo?

In your code above you wrote Banners, and the error is about Banner.

strange, my model is Banners.php not Banner.php that’s why i used Banners.

what is the name of the model file and what is the name of the class in it?


Check your code carefully…


* Lists all models.


public function actionList()


    $criteria=new CDbCriteria;

    $banner_model = new Banners();

	$banner = $banner_model->findAll();    //   <--- variable $banner " not used anywhere!!! "

	$limit = 3;

	$pages=new CPagination(Event::model()->count($criteria));



	$criteria->condition = "publish = 1";



	$banner=Banner::model()->findAll($criteria); 	// <-- here you call model Banner and "again" assign to variable $banner








Look at the "red" comments I inserted

ara?.. yeah… that was stupidly done… lemme check on everything

well the model file is Banners.php and the class name is Banners.

okay lemme explain a bit more…

i wanna put model Banners into my default controller, since a web app can’t have two different controllers at the same time ayt?. so basically, i’m tryin to put my main model, and banners, actually I plan to put other models in, so trying to figure out how to put just one will be a great jumpstarter.

You got the error

include(Banner.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Because you used


  • I commented that in the previous post…

If your model is Banners then you should use


don’t have an error anymore… my problem now is how to make it show up in the page… coz id doesn’t.

$banner gets a result of findAll() -

so for example if you have a property name in banners you can use:

foreach($banner as $ban)

   echo $ban->name;

problem solved! i just created a widget so i can use it anywhere! :D thanks a lot!