How To Display Database Values Into The View Page

echo CHtml::dropDownList(‘UsersStatsInfo’,’’, array(1=>‘height’,2=>‘weight’,3=>‘chest’),


            'ajax' => array(

            'type'=>'POST', //request type

            'url'=>CController::createUrl('usersStatsInfo/myGraph'), //url to call.

            'update'=>'#td-id', //selector to update


Hi,here use the Property data as shown below,


            'ajax' => array(

            'type'=>'POST', //request type


            'url'=>CController::createUrl('usersStatsInfo/myGraph'), //url to call.

            'update'=>'#td-id', //selector to update


In Controller:



                $user_status = $_POST['userstatus'];//here u will receive the respective height/width based     on  the selection then u can exceute the query and render the page


i think Devendra411 cant solve his problem this way, that i said!! requirement is not clear atall!!

I’m getting Undefined index:id

my viewl


                    	echo CHtml::dropDownList('id','', array(1=>'height',2=>'weight',3=>'chest',4=>'waist',5=>'hips',6=>'biceps',7=>'bmi'),


                                        	'ajax' => array(

                                        	'type'=>'POST', //request type

                                        	'url'=>CController::createUrl('graph'), //url to call.

                                        	'update'=>'#td_id', //selector to update

                                        	//'data'=>'js:javascript statement'




public function actionGraph() {

        	$model = new UsersStatsInfo();


              	array(':id'=>(int) $_POST['id']));


            	foreach($data as $value=>$height)


                	echo CHtml::tag('option',



            	$this->render('graph', array('model'=>$model));


And my db screen shot i’m attaching below. I need to dispaly db values based on drop down.

public function actionGraph() {

echo 'test';exit;

                $model = new UsersStatsInfo();


                array(':id'=>(int) $_POST['id']));


                foreach($data as $value=>$height)


                        echo CHtml::tag('option',



                $this->render('graph', array('model'=>$model));


see whats happening

its displaying only "test"

ok …good.

so ajax is working fine.

echo $_POST[‘id’];

check it.