How do I change the name of the migrations table?

Hi folks,

Bit of an odd one this.

I am trying to change the name of the migrations table - I want to change it from ‘migration’ to ‘_migration’ so that it is always at the top of the table list.

I have gone into the console config and added this: -

'components' => [

	'migrate' => [

		'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\MigrateController',

		'migrationTable' => '_migration',



But that doesn’t change it - it just creates the table with the default name of ‘migration’.

Any advice? Thanks.

application configuration:

return [

    'controllerMap' => [

        'migrate' => [

            'class' => 'yii\console\controllers\MigrateController',

            'migrationTable' => 'backend_migration',





Thanks. So simple that I wasn’t setting the config as part of the controller map, so I assume it was missing the DI functionality. Sorted now, thanks!