Getting related records only

Assume this schema:

  • category(id, name)

  • article(id, categoryId, writerId, title, content)

  • writer(id, name, age, location)

I want to be able to get all articles written by a specific writer if i am starting at the category level. That is category > writer > articles, the articles should be only those belonging to the category.

Category Model:

class Category extends ActiveRecord



        public function getArticles()


            return $this->hasMany(Article::className(), ['categoryId' => 'id']);



        public function getWriters()


            return $this->hasMany(Writer::className(), ['id' => 'writerId'])->via('articles');



Writer Model:

class Writer extends ActiveRecord



        public function getArticles()


            return $this->hasMany(Article::className(), ['writerId' => 'id']);



        public function getCategories()


            return $this->hasMany(Category::className(), ['id' => 'categoryId'])->via('articles');



Article Model:

class Article extends ActiveRecord



        public function getCategory()


            return $this->hasOne(Category::className(), ['id' => 'categoryId']);



        public function getWriter()


            return $this->hasOne(Writer::className(), ['id' => 'writerId']);



If i do the following:

$category = Category::find()->with(['writers'])->where(['id' => 1])->one();


All articles that writers[0] will be returned regardless the category. How do i make it return only for the = 1.