General plan about Yii2

People are choosing it because it’s what you choose.

Interestingly, since Ogre3D went for Mercurial - most popular open source 3D rendering engine currently - I see more and more projects using Mercurial. Not only directly related projects, but also others.

Only 3 years ago, there wouldn’t be any question about it: Git/GitHub.

Now there actually is, due to Mercurial picking up steam.

Choice is great.

Still, the web development community is still 98% Git/GitHub - so maybe it’s natural for Yii to become part of that club.

Since you’re going for Git/GitHub, I really hope that it turns out to be as rewarding as you wish it will be.

It takes some time before people start realizing that they’ve got a new set of tools.

But let’s hope that we see a lot of forks and pull requests.

Pulling from a clone is so much better and quicker than dealing with patches. :)


Both Mercurial and Git are OK for us. So we’re comparing communities behind these.

Jacmoe, that’s why I said ‘all things being equal’ ;)

If you look at two ways of doing something, and both are very strong in the primary areas your looking for, doesn’t it make sense to choose something that more people are already using so that there is a smaller learning curve for people coming to your product/service/etc? However, if one is clearly stronger or better in a number of ways, then obviously it’s time to buck the trend and stir people to move in that direction instead.

I have not yet seen where that is the case with Mercurial vs Git – currently, it’s shades of vanilla.

As i see from the duscussion in php internals list (they battle witch to choose - Mercurial or Git) I get a picture that Mercurial is easier and has functionality to make modular projects much easier than git. To me, as SVN adept right now, that’s one big +1 :)

:mellow: Need traits

Traits will be in 5.4, not 5.3. That’s why there will be behavior.

what about aop and annotation ?

and the js ? any plan for introduce another js framework except jquery .in some old thread , i 'v saw qiang said some one were developing mootools extension (two years ago) but never seen in the extension repository. the extjs for yii is need commercial license. so … :P


AOP is a bit complex for PHP world and isn’t looking good if done w/o runkit that isn’t core PHP but a PECL extension. Annotations aren’t supported natively, don’t have IDEs support and are much more magical than just plain PHP.

As for non-jQuery frameworks, I think there will be no official support since we’re using jQuery for own projects and jQuery is the most used JavaScript framework out there.

I vote for git/github :)

I just read about Traits which seems like a perfect way of doing behaviors. Why not let Yii 2.0 be based on PHP 5.4? There must be some huge performance gains, not to mention the advantage of new developers already knowing traits when they start using Yii.

+1 one for github. It would make a lot easier to contribute.

Thomas Jensen

5.4 just went beta so probably it will be OK to use it.

Okay, nice. Really looking forward to Yii 2.0. Any idea of arrival at github (if that’s decided)?

Thomas Jensen

80% yes because of social aspect and all recent GitHub improvements.

That’s not entirely true - basic PHP-DOC annotations do have IDE support.

And sorry, but I get tired of hearing annotations described as “magic” - there’s nothing magical about them. You already use callbacks and interfaces to provide metadata that drives various decisions and helps establish defaults at run-time.

Annotations are no different from what you’re already doing in Yii - just more convenient and reduces the noise that is generated by having six different callbacks all of which restate all of the property names in order to provide one more piece of metadata. Yuck.

+1 for Github.

+1 for jQuery.

Both pretty much are the de facto standard for open source projects these days, and with good reason.

+1 for >=PHP 5.3, +1 for no backwards compatibility (because backwards compatibility always come with heavy baggage) and +1 for Git (framework and documentation/translation).

Github is also fine, fits nicely.

Regarding PHP 5.4, this depends on when Yii 2.0 is expected to arrive. Is there a very rough estimate, will it be after 1, 2, 3 years? I also expect the very good to excellent bundled documentation (yii docs) to be further improved.

If the transition of what you already made to Yii 2.0 to PHP 5.4 isn’t something hard, I really suggest you to think about it. I’m not talking only about Traits, I think the array improvements (syntax and dereferencing) and closures will also fit perfectly on Yii 2.0.

Move to Git and GitHub is also a excellent initiative.

We’ve checked PHP 5.4 features and decided to stick with 5.3. Traits aren’t able to replace behaviors since these couldn’t be configured and can’t have their own variables and functions. The rest of 5.4 features are nice but have nothing to do with framework itself. If you’ll have 5.4 you’ll get these same way as you can use 5.3 closures in Yii 1.1.

Agreed. Yii needs to have very good reasons to bump the requirement.

It has to run on as many servers as it possibly can.

I think PHP 5.3 is a safe target, also for shared servers.

Its been 2 years since PHP 5.3 is released, and still not all shared web hosts support it. What more with 5.4? It will be either I use Yii 2.0 and purchase a VPS, or just stick with Yii 1.1.


PHP 5.3? +1

No backward compatibility? +1

Github? +1

jQuery? +1

More real-life examples and beginner-level documentation will be very much appreciated.