form doesn't send




 * UserIdentity represents the data needed to identity a user.

 * It contains the authentication method that checks if the provided

 * data can identity the user.


class UserIdentity extends CUserIdentity



	 * Authenticates a user.

	 * The example implementation makes sure if the username and password

	 * are both 'demo'.

	 * In practical applications, this should be changed to authenticate

	 * against some persistent user identity storage (e.g. database).

	 * @return boolean whether authentication succeeds.


	private $_id;



	public function authenticate()


		$record = Wsmembers::model()->findByAttributes(array('WSLoginName' => $this->username));

		$email = Wsmembers::model()->findByAttributes(array('WSEmailConfirmed' => 0));

		if($record === null)

			$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID;

		else if($record->WSLoginPassword !== sha1($this->password))

			$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID;

		else if($email)

			$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_EMAIL_INACTIVE;



			$this->_id = $record->MemberShipID;

			$this->setState('name', $record->WSLoginName);

			$this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE;


		return !$this->errorCode;



	public function getId()


		return $this->_id;



now this one sends me the correct encrypted password from the table

			$form->attributes = $_POST['Wsmembers'];

			$CRI = new CDbCriteria;

			$CRI->select = 'WSLoginPassword';

			$CRI->condition = "WSEmailAddress = '".$form->WSEmailAddress."'";

			$pass = $form->find($CRI);

			if($pass !== null)


					$to = $_POST['Wsmembers']['WSEmailAddress'];

					$subject = "Your Password";

					$message = "Your password is = '". $pass->WSLoginPassword ."'";

still trying how to decrypt that sha1 thing to email it to the user retrieving the password

still trying how to decrypt that sha1 thing to email it to the user retrieving the password

Sorry, but it’s impossible (almost) to decrypt SHA-1 :)

any tips/suggestion that I can do for this forget password email sending thing ?,

( i will be so dumb if I will store the passwords as plain text )

upload Wsmembers model that i can create password recovery model for you

thanks, but I’ll do it myself, I won’t mark this thread yet as solved, as I’ll go back to this and post if I got stuck again :)

Nope, that’s not the way. :)

You send the user a password reset link, with a unique token.

No need to decode nor store the password as plain text.

When the user clicks on the link, she is taken to a ‘pick a new password’ page.

It’s much safer. IMO. ;)

ok thanks for this.i’ll try this now
