[EXTENSION] Yii Debug Toolbar (1.0.x version)

A must have extension while developing any Yii application, working flawlessly with perfect structure, layout and degree of detail.

Maybe the docs should be updated to mention that the files need to be in the yiidebugtb directory under extensions, or simply pack the release together with the folder, so the instructions would be 100% valid ;)


I think that my configuration file should work, but I can’t display the toolbar. Here are my lines of code :

'import' => array ( 

  'application.models. *' 

  'application.components. *' 

  'application.vendors. *' 

  'application.filters. *' 

  'application.extensions.yiidebugtb. *' 

  'application.extensions.EGalleria. *' / / o extension 



'log' => array ( 

  'class' => 'CLogRouter' 

  'roads' => array ( 

  array ( 

    'class' => 'CFileLogRoute' 

    'levels' => 'error, warning, trace', 


  array ( 

    'class' => 'CWebLogRoute' 


  array ( 

    'class' => 'CProfileLogRoute' 

    'levels' => 'trace, error, info, warning', 


  array (/ / configuration for the toolbar 

    'class' => 'XWebDebugRouter' 

    'config' => 'alignLeft, opaque, runInDebug, fixedPos, collapsed, yamlStyle' 

    'levels' => 'error, warning, trace, profile, info', 

    'allowedIPs' => array (.8.48.5 '10', '10 .8.48.83 ', '127 .0.0.1', ':: 1'), 



I am in :

  • Php 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.11

  • Yii-1.1.7.r3135

  • Oracle db

Is a there a missing line or a missiong step somewhere?

Is it possible that my css could be blocking the display?

Thank you for your help.
