[EXTENSION] jQuery UI widgets


Hi ironic.I download jui and put it in under extentions dir.

Then I use the Etabs example what you writed in document,but can't display tabs effect .

Is it lack of some files?

Do you get some javascript error? are the CSS files loaded?

No js error and can't see any tab css in html code.

Results are as follows:

Tab 1

Tab 2

Tab 3

Proin elit arcu, rutrum commodo, vehicula tempus, commodo a, risus. Curabitur nec arcu. Donec sollicitudin mi sit amet mauris. Nam elementum quam ullamcorper ante. Etiam aliquet massa et lorem. Mauris dapibus lacus auctor risus. Aenean tempor ullamcorper leo. Vivamus sed magna quis ligula eleifend adipiscing. Duis orci. Aliquam sodales tortor vitae ipsum. Aliquam nulla. Duis aliquam molestie erat. Ut et mauris vel pede varius sollicitudin. Sed ut dolor nec orci tincidunt interdum. Phasellus ipsum. Nunc tristique tempus lectus.

It seems that either the js or the css code aren't loaded… Could you post your code?

This is index.php view of action /core/site/index.The view use layout.

The request html code:

sharehua & MartinE75: did you deleted the contents of the assets directory so it could be refreshed?

I just downloaded jui 2.3, but I get an error complaining about the language 'en'.

I noticed there's no ui.datepicker-en.js. 

How do I use an english version?

New release: 2.3.1. This should fix the problem reported by drech and some minor issues caused by copy&paste :P . The biggest change were the updated validOptions and validCallbacks arrays, which was obsoleted since 2.2. Please check your scripts after updating, since jQuery UI removed many options and added some few.


How to use the tabs in Ajax mode?

its seems that the js are not being loaded in my codes

The UI does not display anything out. but only able to list them as a list only

This will allow the ui to display

Do you get any javascript error? have you tried with an absolute URL?

no java script error.

but i found the error.

i need to add a theme definition in order to get it to display.


no java script error.

but i found the error.

i need to add a theme definition in order to get it to display.

Ok. This is fixed in 2.3.2, thanks for the report.

Well, second update for today. Check the changelog.

currently i am using the ajax tab give a quick overview of other contents in on my web app and they happen to have paging on them. but once i click on paging, it will redirect me to the actual page;

just curious if there is any way to call pages to refresh the tab content without redirecting it to the actual page to display the content.


Virtual DarKness - do you have 2 DatePickers on the same view?

I found the second one overwrites the firsts fontSize with the default 0.5em if it's not set also.

yep, that was the case. Thanks a lot, works fine now :)





I'm succesfully using your extension, it was very easy to configure inspite being my first Yii app.  However I was wondering if it is possible to combine your widget and attach the CMaskedTextField behavior in order to give change to a user to either pick a date through your extension or type it directly in the textfield using a mask to avoid date format errors.  is there a way to accomplish this?

I think you'll need to extend EJqueryUiWidget and integrate the functionality of both classes in one. Maybe you could replace the part which creates the input fields with the output of a CMaskedTextField widget…

When passing in the yearRange option, for example:



missing } after property list

[Break on this error] $("#Speaker_dob").datepicker({showAnim:'…ge:2000:2010});$("#ui-datepicker-div").c

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

471$("#Speaker_dob").datepicker({showAnim:'slideDown',dateFormat:$.datepicker.ISO_8601,showOn:'both',buttonImage:'/zapfitness/assets/11b1b706/images/calendar.gif',buttonImageOnly:true,changeMonth:1,changeYear:1,yearRange:2000:2010});$("#ui-datepicker-div").css("font-size", "1.0em");


Thank you, I’ll take a look to EJqueryUiWidget and try to combine them :)



I think you'll need to extend EJqueryUiWidget and integrate the functionality of both classes in one. Maybe you could replace the part which creates the input fields with the output of a CMaskedTextField widget…


When passing in the yearRange option, for example:



missing } after property list

[Break on this error] $("#Speaker_dob").datepicker({showAnim:'…ge:2000:2010});$("#ui-datepicker-div").c

Thanks, fixed in 2.4.1

[quote=foe#1]Just got one error: "alwaysOpen is not a valid option" on Accordion

Please see the [tt]validOptions[/tt] array.

Can some one verify:

alwaysOpen is missing as a validOptions array element in EAccordion.php

Also is there any way to force the first panel to be Open/Active by default?