[EXTENSION] jquery-gmap

I saw a class EGmap3MarkerCluster.php. Can I use the cluster via this class? If so, can you post an example? Thx

Just a quick comment:

  1. Thank you so much for such a wonderful extension.

  2. I don’t know if only I have the problem, but I found a bug in gmap3.js and gmap3.min.js. There is an undefined variable k which should be i if following the code’s logic. I don’t know if this bug occurs in certain circumstance but just found out when I tried to use the marker class’s capturePosition.


i have the problem that the page, in which i include a gmap, doesent load when the server has no connection to the internet.

How can I use this extension with caching? When I add beginCache before calling EGmap3Widget, the renderMap() option never inserts the javacsript for the maps into the footer when cached. Thanks!

Are there any plans to update this plugin to Gmap3 version 5? This version is substantially different from previous versions, so it may take a bit of work to port over to it without breaking compatibility.

How i can start custom style always? Not through button push.

Thanks for this awesome extension.

I am using this extension for the first time in my project PYA. but here I am facing the zoom problem of map i.e I want to go to the details view of the map such that streets, houses etc but it doesn’t go there.

Here is my code.


#EGMapContainer1 img{

    max-width: none;





$gMap = new EGMap();

$gMap->width = ‘100%’;


$gMap->zoom = 2;

$mapTypeControlOptions = array(

'position' =&gt; EGMapControlPosition::TOP_RIGHT,


'minZoom' =&gt; 2,

'maxZoom' =&gt; 24,


$zoomControlOptions = array(



$gMap->zoomControl = true;

$gMap->panControl = true;

$gMap->scrollwheel = false;

$gMap->zoomControlOptions = $zoomControlOptions;

$gMap->mapTypeControlOptions = $mapTypeControlOptions;

$gMap->setCenter(33.6770364, 73.0203442); // lat and long of Islamabad

/* * ************************************************************************************************* */

// Create GMapInfoWindows

/*     * ******************styling the info window******************** */

// var contentString =    

// Create GMapInfoWindows

&#036;info_box = new EGMapInfoBox('&lt;div style=&quot;color:#fff;border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 8px; background: #000; padding: 5px;&quot;&gt;' . CHtml::image(Yii::app()-&gt;baseUrl . '/media/projects/thumbnails/' . &#036;data-&gt;cover_photo, &#036;data-&gt;title, array('height' =&gt; 100, 'width' =&gt; 100)) . '&lt;br&gt;' . CHtml::link(CHtml::encode(&#036;data-&gt;title), &#036;data-&gt;url) . '&lt;/div&gt;');

// set the properties

&#036;info_box-&gt;pixelOffset = new EGMapSize('0', '-140');

&#036;info_box-&gt;maxWidth = 0;

&#036;info_box-&gt;boxStyle = array(

    'width' =&gt; '&quot;150px&quot;',

    'height' =&gt; '&quot;120px&quot;',

    'background' =&gt; '&quot;url(http://google-maps-utility-library-v3.googlecode.com/svn/tags/infobox/1.1.9/examples/tipbox.gif) no-repeat&quot;'


&#036;info_box-&gt;closeBoxMargin = '&quot;10px 2px 2px 2px&quot;';

&#036;info_box-&gt;infoBoxClearance = new EGMapSize(1, 1);

&#036;info_box-&gt;enableEventPropagation = '&quot;floatPane&quot;';

&#036;marker = new EGMapMarker(&#036;data-&gt;latitude, &#036;data-&gt;longitude, array('title' =&gt; &#036;data-&gt;title, 'icon' =&gt; &#036;icon));




// enabling marker clusterer just for fun

// to view it zoom-out the map

$gMap->enableMarkerClusterer(new EGMapMarkerClusterer());



How should I fix this problem ???

thanks in advance.