[EXTENSION] Javascript form Validation

oups … mistake ! …

in navbar.php, replace :

[<?php 	echo CHtml::link( 'form 1',array('JSVForm/TestForm','id'=>1) ); ?>]&nbsp;


[<?php 	echo CHtml::link( 'form 1',array('Jsvform/TestForm','id'=>1) ); ?>]&nbsp;

this should work ok.

Now for the code modification, this is simple. Assuming that you have correctly declared the jformvalidate extension in your protected/config/main.php file, here is how your view should look like :


	$JVF=Yii::app()->jformvalidate;   // name of the component (config/main.php)

	echo $JVF->form(); 	

        // options below should be modified to fit your layout requirements


		'errorContainer'=> "div.container",

		'wrapper' => 'li',

		'errorLabelContainer' => "div.container ul",

		'errorClass' => "invalid",

		'onkeyup' => false,

		'onfocusout' =>  false



<?php echo CHtml::errorSummary($test); ?>

<div class="simple">

<?php echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($test,'dob'); ?>

<?php echo $JVF->activeTextField($test,'dob'); ?>


<div class="simple">

<?php echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($test,'married'); ?>

<?php echo $JVF->activeCheckBox($test,'married'); ?>


<div class="simple">

<?php echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($test,'kids'); ?>

<?php echo $JVF->activeTextField($test,'kids'); ?>


<?php  echo $JVF->endForm(); ?>


Now regarding what you described in this post (http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/index.php/topic,1191.0.html), this is out of the extension scope. What you should do is write a small Javascript program to handle this behaviour where, when the user checks the married box, then it enabled the kid edit box.

For instance you could add following at the end of your view file :

<script type="text/javascript">


	jQuery(document).ready(function() {


               * replace KidsEditBoxId and marriedCheckBoxId with your actual ids


		$('#KidsEditBoxId').attr('disabled', ! $('#marriedCheckBoxId).attr('checked'));



			$('#KidsEditBoxId').attr('disabled', ! $(e.target).attr('checked'));






Thanks for your advice Raul, will give it a try.

Btw I also solved my problem with very simple approach as explained in this post :



Hello! Thank you for this extenstion.

I just starting play with Yii but your extenstion seems deos not work for me. First I have problem with case sensetive file system - all links are invalid. I fixed this issue by replacing them in appropriate file. Running sample application I got form samples but nothing happens when I enter data. I looks like JS does not started or function. Could you please point me where to check problems? May it be with case sensetive files too?

hi redcore,

sorry for this case sensitive problem, I realized that after publishing the last release (and I'll fix it in the next one).

Regarding the other issue, do you mean that when you hit submit on sample forms it is submited without any JS validation ? If yes, what browser are you using ? Is there a JS error displayed ? One thing you could do is go to a sample form page, save it locally, zip it and post it on this topic so I can check what's going on.



Sample forms provided in the release are now visible in the demo page

Hi Raoul,

I find that JFormValidation is a good extension. However, in some cases it cannot validate, ex: uploaded file. It does not support to validate uploaded file: file size, file type,… So, I use CFileValidator to validate at server. But when using this extension, I find that the validation in server cannot work.

In my opinion, an extension just supports some features is ok. However, which validation it does not support, we should let server code validation work. Would you mind telling me how can I fix this problem?

I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks so much.

Hi PansyNguyen,

You’re right, JFormValidate is not the apropriate answer for client-side form validation in all situation, and this is because :

  • not all built-in yii validators are supported by the extension (see chapter 'limitation' from the enclosed documentation)
  • in some cases, it make no sense to rely on client-side validation

In particular, it is not possible to implement the CFileValidator on the client-side because validation rules it provides only have sense when the file is uploaded, so they can only be applied on the server side  ( e.g. JFormValidate could handle a required rule for the file upload field, but not more ;)).

Another point (that you probably already know) is that client-side validation is not a replacement for server-side validation, it is just an optimization preventing the server to process too much validation requests. Server-side validation must remain.

Now regarding JFormValidation supported rules, I’m waiting for the next Yii release to provide a new version of the extension which will include some new rules…

Hope this helps …


Hi all,

I’ve released a new version for the jformvalidate extension. This release fixes some case sensitive issues with the sample forms. It also provides a new class called EHtml dedicated to be used as a wrapper for CHtml helper class, so adding client-side validation to an existing form is very easy.

Ressources :

Any feedback is welcome … yes, I mean, it seems that this extension has been download more than 200 times but still I didn't receive any feedback up to now ! is it useful ? is it full of bug ? should I continue maintain it ? … I'm not sure. Maybe there is a better way to implement this feature …

Anyway, hope this helps


Hello Raoul,

I found a few bugs in the latest version:

Use of undefined constant attributeLabels - assumed 'attributeLabels'


This is because line 262:


has to be


But after that I get the following error on my model rule:

array('UsrActive', 'numerical', 'integerOnly'=>true),

Undefined index: notInt


hi letscode,

thanks for pointing the first error, I'll correct it right away and republish the zip.

Regarding the second error, in fact that’s just a warning because you may be running your php program in error_reporting(E_ALL), which displays messages for reference to unassigned array elements. Anyway, that’s another improvment I’ve added to the extension.

So, I release a new version that should correct your problems. Could you please confirm that everything is ok now so I can officially release it in the extension section ?

Thanks for your help

MD5 : 1f4de6d97fbf437e198a236cb5c19e0f



the latest version works!

great ! I'll publish it then …


ajaxSubmitButton is not validate the form When submitting

For example:EHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('Submit','',array('dataType'=>'script'));

that is right … but as I’m on holidays right now, it’ll wait until I’m back ;)

(and if in the meantime you’ve fixed it, send me the code and I’ll add it to next release  ;) )


Hi Raoul,

Nice piece of work!  I'm wondering if it is possible to attach the client-side validation to a widget like jui datepicker or masked textfield?

thanks in advance

Hi m1k3,

Regarding widget I must confess that I did consider using it, but in the end I came back to a simple yii component. I don't really know how a widget could be used here, keeping in mind the the goal was to integrate as simply as possible client-side validation to existing forms (reducing the amount of code to write). I'll take a closer look to a possible widget solution for next release …

Thanks for your comment ;)



I get the following errors when using EHtml

This is my config settings

and this is the usage code in my view

Hi bjorntheart,

humm … strange.

Did you correctly declare the jformvalidate component in the main configuration file ?

What about the testApp provided with the release ? Does it raise the same error ?


Sorry for the false alarm Raoul, its working now  ::)


…no problem, I always apriciate this kind of good news ;)
