[EXTENSION] Foundation

Probably, I do something wrong.

The last tab should render partial view, but it doesn’t do anything.


&#036;this -&gt; widget(&quot;foundation.widgets.FounTabs&quot;, 

            array('items' =&gt; array(                    

                array('label' =&gt; 'User', 'content' =&gt; &#036;model-&gt;use_description),

                array(  'label' =&gt; 'Reviews', 

                       [b] 'view'=&gt;'_addreview2'),  




            'type' =&gt; 'contained',



This code is render by ProductsController View action.

So the view is in view/products folder (view.php).

In the same folder there is also code that should be render as partial view (view/products/_addreview2).

I have backend and frontend in seperate folders, so I also tried to use ‘/front/products/_addreview2’).

I think the option its called ‘content’, so it should be:


    $this -> widget("foundation.widgets.FounTabs", 

                array('items' => array(                    

                    array('label' => 'User', 'content' => $model->use_description),

                    array(  'label' => 'Reviews', 

                           'content'=> $this->renderPartial('_addreview2')),  


                'type' => 'contained',



Works great, thanks ;)

I have modified it as you wrote:


 array(  'label' => 'Reviews', 


Nothing happens. No errors, but also nothing is render. Also if I change view name to unexisting, it shows me an error (for example, renderPartial(’/products/doesnotexist’))).

So, seems that renderPartial is being called, but the result doesn’t display. Review view contains one line: <?php echo ‘Review’; ?>

I didn’t think you would copy & paste, you should read the documentation you need to pass $return true.

Hi! First of all i would like to say that you’ve done greate job with making thix extension!

I’d be very thankfull if someone would tell me how to add additional items into flyout? I’ve tried something like this:

    array('label' => 'Nav Item 3', 'url'=>'', 'flyout' => array('items'=>array(


    'label' => 'Nav Item x', 'url'=>''



but it doesnt work at all :(

flyout its supposed to have HTML content of any kind, not just another menu. thats why your code doesnt work

You can try rendering a partial view that contains the other menu.

okay thx for quick answer!

Hi, thank you for this extension, is there a roadmap for it? it seems it has a lack of widgets implementation!!

Its open source you can contribute the missing widgets if you want. as for now there is no roadmap, I work on this on my free time, which is short for now.

You could ask to add this extension to the "Community" list https://github.com/zurb/foundation

Hey, guys!

Just a tip for making your tables responsive with foundation3:


@Asgaroth, please, is that possible for you to include these two files in the extension as default?



After doing that, all you have to do is set your table with the css class "responsive"




Any news on Foundation 4 support?

Great Extension but I have a problem. I need to use some Foundation3 plugins like Magellean or Tooltip, which this current extension doesn’t offer. I tried to use them as I normally would do without the extension but the nice styling gets ruined…i guess is a css file conflict problem.

Does anyone tried to accomplish this?


Does anyone know if this extension works with the new Yii2?




Where can I read documentation on using yii-foundation3? Server foundation3.oakwebdev.com not found…


Foundationize it!