[EXTENSION] FancyUpload


I solved this issue for testing yesterday but i didn’t have time to release the file for download. Basically, you’ll be able to create as many instances as you want in the same page, but there are a few changes that you have to do for it to work properly.

I’ll post the complete solution at night, as soon as I get home, so I’ll add a reply to this topic.

Thanks for your patience and for using the extension,




I change the upload component to generate the scripts to each upload button that i want.

It is based now on component name.

the major change is in protected/extensions/fancyupload/SBaseFancy.php, in the run() method:


$this->clientScript->registerScript($this->name, $js, CClientScript::POS_HEAD);


before it was registering the javascript code with the same name, so it was working only for one instance

i’ve also made some changes to the css classes and widget instantiation, if you’re interested, please let me know



Hello People, I don’t know if someone suffers like me about this issue which gives me a headache:


My fancycontroller.php:


class FancyController extends CController


    public $breadcrumbs;

    public $defaultAction = 'fancyQueue';

    /* this shows you how to create a reusable action in cases that

     * you need to perform the same steps with files in various controllers

     * by using this, you could attach the action to your controller and tell

     * it to save the files in some folder by changing the savePath property

     * in this sample we will use this action in the single file upload view


    public function actions(){

        return array(



                'savePath'=>Yii::app()->getBasePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR. 'single'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,




    public function filters()


return array( 'accessControl' );






     * Specifies the access control rules.

     * This method is used by the 'accessControl' filter.

     * @return array access control rules


    public function accessRules()


return array(








    //render view

    public function actionFancyQueue(){



    //render single file upload view

    public function actionFancySingle(){



    //handles uploaded files comming from fancyQueue view

    public function actionUploadedFiles(){

        Yii::trace("entra actionUploadeFiles","fichero");


        /*here, starts the session with the same Id if needed



          this is possible because we use in the view

          'options'=> array(

           'appendCookieData'=>true,  //this will send PHPSESSID automatically



        //gets the file

        $file    = CUploadedFile::getInstanceByName("Filedata");

        /* gets any parameter passed through the view

        'options'=> array(

                'data'=>array('key'=>'value'),  //accessible in the controller via $_POST['extradata'] or $_POST['whatever_you_put_in_the_key']


        like $modelId = CHttpRequest::getParam('key');


        /* if something goes wrong with the upload, you'd better

           log everything you want with this little piece of code


        $logFile = Yii::app()->getBasePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'queue'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'mylog.txt';

        $result              = array();

        $result['time']      = date('r');

        $result['temp']      = $file->getTempName();

        $result['name']      = $file->getName();

        $result['addr']      = substr_replace(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), '******', 0, 6);

        $result['agent']     = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

        $result['type']      = $file->getType();

        $result['mimename']  = CFileHelper::getMimeType($file->getName());

        $result['extradata'] = CHttpRequest::getParam('extradata');

        $log = @fopen($logFile, 'a');

        if ($log) {

            fputs($log, print_r($result, true) . "\n---\n");




         * this is the main action for saving the files


        if ($file->size > 0) {

        $mime = CFileHelper::getMimeType($file->getName());


            case 'image/jpeg':

                $savePath = Yii::app()->getBasePath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'queue'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

                $fileName  = $savePath . $file->getName();


                    $return = array(

                        'status' => '1',

                        'name' => $file->getName()



                    $return = array(

                        'status' => '0',

                        'name' => $file->getName()





                $return = array(

                    'status' => '0',

                    'name' => 'Only jpg files works on this sample!'




        echo json_encode($return);



My views/fancy/fancyqueue.php


$cs = Yii::app()->clientScript;



        '#fancy-status{ background: #ddd}'




<br />


$statusBoxId  = 'fancy-status';

$clearButton  = 'fancy-clear';

$uploadButton = 'fancy-upload';




        'statusBoxId'=>$statusBoxId,            //id for the container div

        'clearButton'=>$clearButton,            //id for "Clear List" link

        'uploadButton'=>$uploadButton,          //id for "Start Upload" link

        'clearButtonLabel'=>'Clear',     //label for "Clear List" link

        'uploadButtonLabel'=>'Send',    //label for "Start Upload" link

        'targetLabel'=>'Select Pictures',          //label for "select files" link

        'options'=> array(

                'verbose'=>true,  //remove in production

                'url'=>$this->createUrl('/fancy/uploadedFiles'),          //send files to this controller/action

                'multiple'=>true,                                       //multiple files

                'target'=>'fancy-browse',                               //id for "select files" link

                'typeFilter'=>array('Images (jpg, jpeg)'=>'*.jpg; *.jpeg'),   //accept only images and compressed files (better check the mimetype in the controller which receives the file)

                'instantStart'=>false,                                  //do not upload right after the selection of files



                    ),  //accessible in the controller via $_POST['extradata'] or $_POST['whatever_you_put_in_the_key']

                'appendCookieData'=>true,  //this will send PHPSESSID automatically


        'callbacks' => array(

            'onLoad'=>"function() {



                    // We relay the interactions with the overlayed flash to the link


                            click: function() {

                                    return false;


                            mouseenter: function() {



                            mouseleave: function() {




                            mousedown: function() {




                    // Interactions for the 2 other buttons

                    document.id('$clearButton').addEvent('click', function() {

                            up.remove(); // remove all files

                            return false;


                    document.id('$uploadButton').addEvent('click', function() {

                            up.start(); // start upload

                            return false;



            'onFail'=> 'function(error) {

                            switch (error) {

                                    case "hidden": // works after enabling the movie and clicking refresh

                                            alert("Para habilitar o sistema de upload, desbloqueie flash no seu browser e atualize a página.");


                                    case "blocked": // This no *full* fail, it works after the user clicks the button

                                            alert("Para habilitar o sistema de upload, habilite o filme flash bloqueado");


                                    case "empty": // Oh oh, wrong path

                                            alert("O sistema de upload parece estar faltando, por favor, tente mais tarde");


                                    case "flash": // no flash 9+ <img src='http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

                                            alert("Precisa ter o plugin do Adobe Flash 9 ou superior para usar o upload")



            'onFileSuccess'=> "function(file, response) {

                var json = new Hash(JSON.decode(response, true) || {});

                if (json.get('status') == '1') {


                        file.info.set('html', '<strong>Arquivo enviado:</strong> (' + json.get('width') + ' x ' + json.get('height') + 'px, <em>' + json.get('mime') + '</em>)');

                } else {


                        file.info.set('html', '<strong>Erro no envio:</strong> (' + (json.get('error') ? (json.get('error') + ' #' + json.get('code')) : response));



            'onSelectFail'=> "function(files) {

                    files.each(function(file) {

                            new Element('li', {

                                    'class': 'validation-error',

                                    html: file.validationErrorMessage || file.validationError,

                                    title: MooTools.lang.get('FancyUpload', 'removeTitle'),

                                    events: {

                                            click: function() {




                            }).inject(this.list, 'top');

                    }, this);


            /*'onFileComplete'=> "function(file) {



            'onComplete'=>"function() {

               // document.id('fancy-status').setStyle('display','none');


               //el = document.search('li.file-success');

               //for (i=0; i<el.length; i++){

               //    el[i].destroy();

               //    window.alert(el[i]);

              // }



//'onBeforeStart'=>"function() {

//var hash = {};

//document.cookie.split(/;\s*/).each(function(cookie) {

//cookie = cookie.split('=');

//if (cookie.length == 2) {

//hash[decodeURIComponent(cookie[0])] = decodeURIComponent(cookie[1]);





//data: {cookieName: hash['myfield'], myfield: document.id('myfield').get('value')}






My config/main.php:




            'enableCookieValidation'=> true,



So… what’s wrong??

Hi there Scoob,

I’ve downloaded this extension, installed it and made it work in a breeze. Since I think the user experience is the cornerstone of a webapp, this one is a treet.

However, during the test of single upload i’ve found something odd revealed by firebug : document.id(“imageurl”) is null.

Something is not working for me, when I change the image the newly uploaded image doesn’t appear, this line doesn’t seem to work



I had to mix php code in the file generation to achieve the sort of behavior i expected the javascript to do out of the box.

Did anyone got this problem yet ? I don’t know, I might have done something wrong…but what ?




sorry, maybe i have forgotten some orphan code in the sample…

this line is used to update the picture after the upload, however, there are three steps i’m using in my apps to achieve the expected behavior, as the plugin does nothing about this automatically:

the first step is to include before the widget a code to select the current image (before the upload) and check if it exists…so i insert a hidden field just to hold the value for the javascript to use later


if (file_exists(dirname(Yii::app()->getBasePath()).'/images/company/'. Yii::app()->numberFormatter->format('00000000000',$model->id). '.jpg')){

    $imageurl = Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/images/company/'.Yii::app()->numberFormatter->format('00000000000',$model->id). '.jpg';

} else {

    $imageurl = Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/images/shared/noimage.png';



<input type="hidden" id="imageurl" name="imageurl" value="<?php echo $imageurl; ?>">

after, change the event onload in the widget as following (set dimensions as needed)

                'onLoad'=>"function() {

                    document.id('$statusBoxId').setStyle('background-image','url('+ document.id('imageurl').get('value')  +')');




finally, by changing the onFileComplete event of the widget we check if there are errors and if no errors are detected, we show a success message and reload the page…so the above code will take place and (usually) update the picture

                'onFileComplete'=>"function(file) {

                    if (file.response.error) {

                        window.alert('Upload Failed ' + this.fileList[0].name + '. Try again. (Error: #' + this.fileList[0].response.code + ' ' + this.fileList[0].response.error + ')');

                    } else {

                        window.alert('It is done!');






hope this helps!



Hi Scoob, many thanks for your input. I do update a field in a database (using activeform and model) also and I have two actions one for the upload, the other for the update when ok with the photo. Maybe I should regroup.

Anyway, thanks a lot.

This will help find my own way.

Nice job :slight_smile:



I try to use this extension (I am on windows (easyphp) ).

And it don’t work !

in the application.log, i have this :

2011/01/31 16:57:05 [error] [php] finfo_file() [<a href=‘function.finfo-file’>function.finfo-file</a>]: File or path not found ‘Angelus.jpg’ (E:\PFSF7319\EasyPHP-\www\yii\framework\utils\CFileHelper.php:224)

Can you help me ?

Thanks a lot

I also need two instances. I’ve changed the registerScript as you mention but I think something is missing.

Thanks for your help.

Hello !

I’m newbie in Yii Frameworks, I’ve dowloaded the extension fancyupload 1.3,

I need some help to understand how recover the file name in my view after upload.

I would like to switch between two folders.

In first time, I want to display the image associated with the model (in protected/images) in my view, after the upload , I want to display the temp image (in protected/ tmp) , i try but I can’t recover the file name from UploadAction.php.

In my controller

public function actions(){

        return array(






In my view

            if (file_exists(Yii::app()->params['ImageTmpFolder'].$file->name)){

               $imageurl = Yii::app()->params['ImageTmpFolder'].$file->name;    // file->name is empty!

            } else { 

                $imageurl = Yii::app()->params['ImageFolder'].$model->image;  



            <input type="hidden" id="imageurl" name="imageurl" value="<?php echo $imageurl; ?>">

Thanks for your help !


remember to specify name and Id properties in your view as:

<?php $this->widget('application.extensions.fancyupload.SFancySingleButton',




<?php $this->widget('application.extensions.fancyupload.SFancySingleButton',



and please, use the latest version of the extension also

hope this helps!




the following refers to the multi-file upload, ok?

you can retrieve filename by returning it from UploadAction.php, there may be something like the following:


                            $return = array(

                                'status' => '1',

                                'name' => $file->getName()


in the end of the script, there is:

echo json_encode($return);

so, in your view file, you can retrieve the filename via onFileSuccess callback (please, take a look at the view sample file distributed with the extension)

'onFileSuccess'=> "function(file, response) {...

hope this helps!

