[EXTENSION] EMultiSelect

Hi all,

I am not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I don’t see my list elements. Although title attribute is set correctly.

my view:

$this->widget('application.extensions.emultiselect.EMultiSelect',array('sortable'=>true, 'searchable'=>true));

    	echo $form->dropDownList($task, 'members', CHtml::listData($members, 'id', 'fullname'),

    		array('multiple'=>'multiple', 'key'=>'members', 'class'=>'multiselect'));

where $task - my model, $members - available array of models, members - empty $members array for selected items, id and fullname - $members attributes.

Please help.

I got it. Yii form style was blocking it from showing members.

Hi all,

How to get some elements pre selected based on condition.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Thanks for nice extension

I am facing one issue with this, the extension is running but without CSS only black and white and no effect, what may be the reason? kindly see the attachment


I have a question about EMultiSelect. I want to use two emultiselects (or dropdown or what you wanna call it) at the same page and from the same model. Is it possible to differ the responses in anyway? How?

Thanks for a great extension, works perfect!

wow … I like this extension. thank you

I’ve got the same question as Dowerasu. Is it possible to pre select items and how?

Fix it:

	$array = array();

	foreach($qAdacrbActive as $arr){

		$array[$arr['adacrt_ID']] = array("selected"=>true); //add the ids that you want to pre select



	echo CHtml::dropDownList(







				'class'=>'multiselect' ,

				'options'=>$array, // add it to the options var



Hi - how does one load the values in the update form again?

Thank you for making this extension! It works flawlessly on Yii V1.1.10.

I get a javascript error on Yii V1.1.13 when I open the dropdown. I’m using Chrome Version 26.

TypeError: Property '400' of object #<Object> is not a function <snip>/assets/ab3864ac/jquery.js:8943]

if ( this.options.duration ) {

    this.pos = eased = jQuery.easing[ this.easing ]( //this line raises the exception

        percent, this.options.duration * percent, 0, 1, this.options.duration


Shared code: how to insert emultiselect into CForm. I try to add my screen shot, but here is no function to support that, so I create a new topic below, and add the link here.


Works great!

Only one problem. If i got a few elements added, when i update and remove them all, it doesnt work. It only work when i remove all but one.

When i got one element, and update and try to remove that element, doesnt work either.

It always fail when i remove all the items and leave it empty.

Anyone else with this problem??

I use it for add profiles to a user.

My DB its like this

user(id, …) - user_profil(user_id, profil_id) - profil(id, …)

PS: Sorry for my english.