[EXTENSION] Date picker (jQuery UI based)


Good news, about the advanced options, thanks. But where's the download gone  ???. Can i find 1.9 somewhere else?

Hi mikl, the datepicker has been deprecated. I'm working to support 1.6 jQuery UI widgets with jQuery 1.3. A new set of widgets will come soon (today or tomorrow)


Hi.  I'm really sorry - but I need to ask a simple question.

I downloaded the JUI extension and put it in \protected\extentions\jui

Can someone show me a simple example of how to create a datepicker?

Also, do I have to explicitly include the jui js and css files in my layout (header)?

Thanks for helping/reading.


I downloaded the JUI extension and put it in \protected\extentions\jui

Can someone show me a simple example of how to create a datepicker?

There are some examples in the extension page. Try them first.


Also, do I have to explicitly include the jui js and css files in my layout (header)?

They are included automatically, so don't worry.

Wow - thanks.  It was too easy!  I just thought it had to be harder than that :D

What's the difference between an extension and a component?


What's the difference between an extension and a component?

check out this http://www.yiiframew…ension.overview

Thanks Will.

I have another question for you guys.  Thanks again for all of your help.

I view my project by going to r=project/show&id=1 … on that page I have a "+ create new" link for Events (Project HAS_MANY Event).  I have a .click jquery function that populates an empty div with the results of r=event/create.

The form shows up nicely, but the datepicker doesn't seem to be working.  If I go directly to r=event/create in the browser it works just fine.

Any ideas?


Thanks Will.

I have another question for you guys.  Thanks again for all of your help.

I view my project by going to r=project/show&id=1 … on that page I have a "+ create new" link for Events (Project HAS_MANY Event).  I have a .click jquery function that populates an empty div with the results of r=event/create.

The form shows up nicely, but the datepicker doesn't seem to be working.  If I go directly to r=event/create in the browser it works just fine.

Any ideas?

It may due to this issue http://code.google.c…es/detail?id=38


I'm succesfully using your extension, it was very easy to configure inspite being my first Yii app.  However I was wondering if it is possible to combine your widget and attach the CMaskedTextField behavior in order to give change to a user to either pick a date through your extension or type it directly in the textfield using a mask to avoid date format errors.  is there a way to accomplish this?


I'm succesfully using your extension, it was very easy to configure inspite being my first Yii app.  However I was wondering if it is possible to combine your widget and attach the CMaskedTextField behavior in order to give change to a user to either pick a date through your extension or type it directly in the textfield using a mask to avoid date format errors.  is there a way to accomplish this?

This extension is deprecated, you should use JUI. I answered here.