[extension] datafilter

I reproduced this bug. Both with CGridView and my demo (page where data updates are performed with ajax).

All values are urlencoded by yii, but when we send an ajax request like


This request dropped by the Apache and not even passed to php.

I am not sure why this happens and I can not find good solution.

If this is acceptable, you can disable ‘path’ url format (comment out ‘urlFormat’=>‘path’ string in the urlManager settings).

seb helped me out with the solution, here I share the fix(in future releases he promised to fix this bug):

I replaced this code in the model Course:

    if($filterName == 'Branch') {

            $localCriteria = new CDbCriteria;

            CDataFilter::setCondition('BraID', $filterValue, $localCriteria);




    if($filterName == 'Branch') {

            $localCriteria = new CDbCriteria;

            //CDataFilter::setCondition('branch.PaID', $filterValue, $localCriteria); //this will be fixed in future releases of DataFiler extension.

            $localCriteria->condition = " branch.BraID = :branch_BraID ";

            $localCriteria->params = array(":branch_BraID"=>$filterValue);



Thanks for support!

Disable ‘path’ didn’t solve my problem, it is not return expected search page but go to first login page.

I must say that I am really digging this extension!

Thanks a lot! :lol: