You know, I can do it in CakePHP just creating a DefaulController or something like that in app root. I can extend it to all my app controllers with no problem.
it can be done easily in Yii also. just create your MainController.php inside components directory
class MainController extends CController
public function init()
// add your code for init here
and inside your controllers you can simply extend MainController
class SiteController extends MainController
// class contents
you can also configure Yii so you can put your MainController.php inside the dir protected/controllers and then extending it with classes in the same dir by modifying your protected/config/main.php files as follows
// autoloading model and component classes
'application.controllers.*', // added so class will be autoloaded from protected/controllers
what i did there was add this line
to what was generated in the config file by default.