e-xgen extjs scafolding for admin

hi banago, first thx for testing my extension, first get the id of the master from extjs selection model, then reload the detail store like this

var record = this.sm.getSelections();

var id= record[0].json.id; 

detailStore.baseParams = {

	query: id



i’m debuging with firebug in firefox

hope this help


I installed the yii user extension in the default generated webapp and enabled login to be my default controller and it works fine. However when i install e-xgen which is fantastic by the way and enable extjs theme, it doesnt load my login as default. Question:

  1. How can I make login my default controller? In my main config,I did

return array(


	                 'name'=>'My Web Application',

                         'defaultController' => 'user/login',


It works when i disable the theme.

  1. How can I implement the login screen with a custom extjs theme i.e apply e-xgen js?

  2. How do you map/reference a column in a store eg make the grid display name instead of id? It displays o.k when i disable theme.

Thank you.

To make login as a controller default youhave to apply different layout in extjs theme, for my private use, I have login layout and report layout that use yii standard theme it can be set in the controller $this->layout = login, create the layout in the extjs them by coppying standard yii main layout into extjs theme, to map field from I’d to name I have to see it first, currently I’m at the the airport, waiting for my first birth daughter…

Thanks Hening. I did implement the login and it worked. However, I’m still having difficulty mapping id with name in grid. Lucky you have a princess in your life.Enjoy. :)


How are you? I was wondering if you managed to map id to name in grip as am still having difficulty with it but am having a great learning experience using e-xgen. I’ve tried

in the store:


{name:'rvc_id', mapping: 'rvc.id',type:'int'},

{name:'postingcat_id', mapping: 'postingcat.id', type: 'int'},


where both rvc_id and postingcat_id are foreign keys and

in the grid:


      header:'Revenue Centre',




      displayField: 'name',

      value: 'id',

      align: 'left',



but it still displaying id not name. In the form i.e xtype: combo it shows the name o.k. I been busting my head off with this for sometime now but am still stuck. Attached is my screen shot.

Secondly, how can you relate two dropdowns in a form such that when you pick an option in the first combo, the 2nd selects only related choices?


      xtype: 'combo',

      typeAhead: true,

      triggerAction: 'all',


      mode: 'local',                            

      fieldLabel: 'Revenue Centre',

      store: jun.rztrvc,



      valueField: 'id',

      editable: false,

      selectOnFocus: true,

      //displayField: 'Rvc::model()->representingColumn()',

      displayField: 'name',


      anchor: '100%'




      xtype: 'combo',

      typeAhead: true,

      triggerAction: 'all',


      editable: false,

      selectOnFocus: true,

      mode: 'local',                            

      fieldLabel: 'Posting Category',

      store: jun.rztPostingcat,



      valueField: 'id',

      //displayField: Postingcat::model()->representingColumn()',

      displayField: 'postingcat_name',


      anchor: '100%'


I totally love this extension. everyday is a learning experience. For all yiiers out there wanting to building applications that look more like applications and not sites, this is the extension for you.

Thank you.

hi bosiree, in order to mapping name to id, i guest i have to edit my giix gridjs template, but i can’t promise u to do that in the near time… or you could help me, you can find quick sample in the form template, when i map id to name in the combo.

to make double linked combo create listener or add new method on new combo 1 even on change, pass the id to extjs.ajax to call store combo2 load with combo1 i as parameter

bagaimana ya cara nya membuat user login ?



Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in C:\xampp\htdocs\testing\protected\extensions\giix-core\giixCrudjs\templates\default\layouts\grid.js on line 126

When generating with giixcrudjs. Any Solution?