Dropdown value with array data wont work in if condition (user role) [solved]

What do you mean? What’s the output of the var_dump() ?

which output? :scream:

Change this:

if($model->role === 1){


if($model->role === 1){

tell me what it displays

array(1) { [0]=> string(1) “1” }

you are comparing array("1") to 1, it can’t work.
check what your form is sending to understand why it’s array("1") instead of 1.
Then, as it’s a string, change your if from ‘===’ to ‘==’

I changed the dropdownlist to

<div class="form-group">
    <?= $form->field($model, 'role')->dropDownList(
            ['1' => 'Apoderado', '2' => 'Profesor'], 
            ['prompt' => 'Seleccione tipo de usuario']); ?>

and if to

if($model->role == '1'){

and the output changed to

string(1) "1"

but it still doesn’t work

You should remove the var_dump(…); die; line now

I know, I did. But as I said it still doesn’t work. Anyways I thank you for your help. @softark can you help me?

I would use == instead of === as @machour suggested.

if ($model->role == 1) {

@softark thank you for your answer. it doesn’t do the job. what else can I try?

I also tried this

switch ($model->role){
                    case 1:
                    $apoderado = new Apoderado;
                    $apoderado->nombre = $model->nombre;
                    $apoderado->rut = $model->rut;
                    $apoderado->fono = $model->fono;
                    $apoderado->direccion = $model->direccion;
                    $apoderado->email = $model->email;
                    $apoderado->id_alumno = $model->id_alumno;
                    $apoderado->apoderado_sup = $model->apoderado_sup;
                    $apoderado->fono_apoderado_sup = $model->fono_apoderado_sup;
                    $apoderado->email_apoderado_sup = $model->email_apoderado_sup;
                    case 2:
                    $profesor = new Profesor;
                    $profesor->nombre = $model->nombre;
                    $profesor->rut = $model->rut;
                    $profesor->fono = $model->fono;
                    $profesor->direccion = $model->direccion;
                    $profesor->email = $model->email;

but it doesn’t work either

What exactly do you mean by “doesn’t work”?

Ah, OK.
Your form has an error:

   <?= $form->field($model, 'role[]')->dropDownList(
           ['1' => 'Apoderado', '2' => 'Profesor'], 
           ['prompt' => 'Seleccione tipo de usuario']); ?>

Just role instead of role[].

    <?= $form->field($model, 'role')->dropDownList(
            ['1' => 'Apoderado', '2' => 'Profesor'], 
            ['prompt' => 'Seleccione tipo de usuario']); ?>

when I select ‘apoderado’ in the dropdown it doesn’t create a record in table apoderado

I’ve already did that

You can check the error to see what’s happening.

$ret = $apoderado->save();
if (!$ret) {

I did this

if ($model->role == '1'){
                    $apoderado = new Apoderado;
                    $apoderado->nombre = $model->nombre;
                    $apoderado->rut = $model->rut;
                    $apoderado->fono = $model->fono;
                    $apoderado->direccion = $model->direccion;
                    $apoderado->email = $model->email;
                    $apoderado->id_alumno = $model->id_alumno;
                    $apoderado->apoderado_sup = $model->apoderado_sup;
                    $apoderado->fono_apoderado_sup = $model->fono_apoderado_sup;
                    $apoderado->email_apoderado_sup = $model->email_apoderado_sup;
                } else {
                    $profesor = new Profesor;
                    $profesor->nombre = $model->nombre;
                    $profesor->rut = $model->rut;
                    $profesor->fono = $model->fono;
                    $profesor->direccion = $model->direccion;
                    $profesor->email = $model->email;
var_dump($model->getErrors()); die;

and it returns

array(0) { }
// check what's in $model->role
if ($model->role == 1 ) {
    // save apoderado
} elseif ($model->role == 2) {
   // save profesor
} else {
   // check what's happening

And would you please show us your code for FormRegister model?

My FormRegister.php


namespace app\models;
use Yii;
use yii\base\Model;
use app\models\Users;

class FormRegister extends model{
    public $role;
    public $nombre;
    public $rut;
    public $fono;
    public $direccion;
    public $email;
    public $id_curso;
    public $id_alumno;
    public $apoderado_sup;
    public $fono_apoderado_sup;
    public $email_apoderado_sup;
    public $username;
    public $password;
    public $password_repeat;
    public $id_apoderado;
    public $id_profesor;
    public function rules()
        return [
            [['role', 'username', 'email', 'password', 'password_repeat'], 'required', 'message' => 'Campo requerido'],
            [['nombre', 'rut', 'fono', 'direccion'], 'required', 'message' => 'Campo requerido'],
            ['email', 'match', 'pattern' => "/^.{5,80}$/", 'message' => 'Mínimo 5 y máximo 80 caracteres'],
            ['email', 'email', 'message' => 'Formato no válido'],
            ['email', 'email_existe'],
            [['id_curso', 'id_alumno', 'nombre'], 'required', 'message' => 'Campo requerido'],
//            [['apoderado_sup', 'fono_apoderado_sup', 'email_apoderado_sup'], 'required', 'message' => 'Campo requerido'],
            ['username', 'match', 'pattern' => "/^.{3,50}$/", 'message' => 'Mínimo 3 y máximo 50 caracteres'],
            ['username', 'match', 'pattern' => "/^[0-9a-z]+$/i", 'message' => 'Sólo se aceptan letras y números'],
            ['username', 'username_existe'],
            ['password', 'match', 'pattern' => "/^.{6,16}$/", 'message' => 'Mínimo 6 y máximo 16 caracteres'],
            ['password_repeat', 'compare', 'compareAttribute' => 'password', 'message' => 'Los passwords no coinciden'],
    public function email_existe($attribute, $params)
        //Buscar el email en la tabla
        $table = Users::find()->where("email=:email", [":email" => $this->email]);
        //Si el email existe mostrar el error
        if ($table->count() == 1)
            $this->addError($attribute, "El email seleccionado existe");
    public function username_existe($attribute, $params)
        //Buscar el username en la tabla
        $table = Users::find()->where("username=:username", [":username" => $this->username]);
        //Si el username existe mostrar el error
        if ($table->count() == 1)
            $this->addError($attribute, "El usuario seleccionado existe");
    public function attributeLabels()
            'role' => 'Tipo de Usuario',
            'nombre' => 'Nombre',
            'rut' => 'Rut',
            'fono' => 'Fono',
            'direccion' => 'Dirección',
            'email' => 'Email',
            'id_curso' => 'Curso',
            'id_alumno' => 'Alumno',
            'apoderado_sup' => 'Apoderado Suplente',
            'fono_apoderado_sup' => 'Fono Apoderado Suplente',
            'email_apoderado_sup' => 'Email Apoderado Suplente',
            'username' => 'Nombre de Usuario',
            'password' => 'Contraseña',
            'password_repeat' => 'Repetir contraseña',

Probably you have to add in validator for role.

    public function rules()
        return [
            [['role', 'username', 'email', 'password', 'password_repeat'], 'required', 'message' => 'Campo requerido'],
            ['role', 'in', 'range' => [1,2]],


Thank you for your time my friend, but it didn’t work.