Dropdown Onchange - Reload & Do-While Loop View


I wonder if anyone can help with the following question.

In my view I have a dropdown which displays a list of numbers which is populated from my model.



    echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'player_total_selector', $model->getPlayercount(),



    		'prompt'=>'How many people played this week?',




Resulting Options

I would like my user to select a number from the dropdown and then use the selected value to loop inside my view displaying the extra form input fields as required.


Would I have some kind of do while loop?

function myfunction(val){		

// Some kind of do while loop?

	<?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($model,"option[val]"); ?>

// loop ++


How do I reload the view to contain the extra input fields matching the users selection?

Any help would be most appreciated

Many thanks


You don’t need to reload the view, you can do that using JS only.

I mean,

function myfunction(val) 


    for (var i = 0; i < val; i++) {

        // create input element



The tricky part here is input field name and value (in case of validation fail). You can use these functions:




Thank you for your help with this question

Based upon your answer I have got a version working which creates the input boxes as expected

// Dropdown - Select number


    echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'player_total_selector', $model->getPlayercount(),



    		'prompt'=>'How many people played this week?',




// Loop and output the input boxes

<script type="text/javascript">

	function myfunction(val) 


	    str = '';

	    for (var i = 0; i < val; i++) {

	        // create input element works

	        str += '<input type="text" name="name' + i + '" id="id' + i + '" placeholder="input' + i + '" />';





<div id="container"></div>

Would it be possible to replace the input box with a dropdown list which is populated from my model?

I would like to replace

str += '<input type="text" name="name' + i + '" id="id' + i + '" placeholder="input' + i + '" />';

With my dropdown


    echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'player_selector[i]', $model->getPlayerlist(),



    		'prompt'=>'Select Player',



Is this possible?

Many thanks


You can either make a hidden select and clone it, or js variable storing select options (json-encoded for example), or something completely different, it’s up to you.

Thank you for all your help

I want to use the hidden select and clone it, I have got it all working but I am unsure how to load up my select from my controller.

So far I have it all working with a dynamic dropdown which when triggered calls the url of my controller and loads up the options.

This all works ok, but is not a good solution

Can I automate this to trigger onload?

Or is there a simpler way to call my controller for the select options?

My View


	echo CHtml::dropDownList('foobar','', array(1=>'option 1',2=>'option 2'),


		'ajax' => array(

		'type'=>'POST', //request type

		'url'=>CController::createUrl('dynamicplayers'), //url to call.

		'update'=>'#player_id', //selector to update



	//empty since it will be filled by the other dropdown

	echo CHtml::dropDownList('player_id','', array());


My Controller

public function actionDynamicplayers()



    // Return all the players associated with the users venue

	$sqlPlayers='SELECT * FROM player LEFT JOIN player_venues ON player.id = player_venues.player_id WHERE player_venues.venue_id=:id AND player_venues.active = "yes"';

	$data = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sqlPlayers)->bindValue('id',$id)->queryAll();


    foreach($data as $value=>$name)


        echo CHtml::tag('option',


