Date Range Condition On Relation With Through


I’ve got 3 tables - Team, Player, and Goal. A Team has many players, and a player can have many goals. I would like to query all the goals scored on a team for a specific date range.

I currently have a relation on Team CActiveRecord like the following:

class Team extends CActiveRecord



	public function relations()


		return array(

			'players' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Player', 'teamID'),







This works great for retrieving all the Goals for a specific team, but I’m not sure how I would query all the Goals on a Team for the past week.

FYI: Goal has a DATETIME column ‘time’ in which is set on the time the Goal occurred.

I’m assuming this is not possible using a Relation, but rather I’d have to use Team::model->findAll(…Condition…); But I don’t know how I’d properly join to the Goal table (like the ‘through’ command in the relation).

Of course I could do this all with Raw SQL, but I want to know the best ‘Yii’ way.

Thanks in advance!

Maybe helpful.

in your controller:

$model = Team::model()->with(array(


          	'condition'=>'Goal.time > 2013/11/25 and Goal.time<2013/12/02'



If you set a condition like that that will filter out teams/players with no goals in this range. You need to add the condition in the ‘on’ property, like so:

$model = Team::model()->with(array(


                'on'=>'Goal.time BETWEEN :from AND :to'

                'params'=>array(':from'=>'2013-11-25', ':to'=>'2013-12-02'),



BETWEEN is actually >= and <=.

That is valid when you don’t enable ‘through’ or explicitly use ‘inner join’ instead of the default ‘left join’.

Awesome! NineInchNick’s solution seems to work better for me. Here’s what I’m using now…

$teams = Team::model()->with(array(


                'on'=>'goals.time BETWEEN :from AND :to',

                'params'=>array(':from'=>'2013-11-25', ':to'=>'2013-12-02'),


	))->findAllByAttributes(array('ownerUserID'=>$user->userID));   //Make sure current user "owns" these teams

$players = $model[0]->players;

$goals = $model[0]->goals;

Thanks for your help guys!