CWebUser's magic __get function overrides my parent function

I have configured my app to use my own WebUser component like this:






My WebUser component looks like this:

class WebUser extends RWebUser {  // RWebUser extends CWebUser


    public function prefix() {




And when I call the prefix function like this:

$this->tablePrefix = Yii::app()->user->prefix();

I get an error with this stacktrace:

#0 yiiframework/web/auth/CWebUser.php(108): CComponent->__get('')

#1 public_html/oms/protected/components/WebUser.php(<img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' />: CWebUser->__get('')

#2 public_html/oms/protected/components/DbConnection.php(11): WebUser->prefix()

#3 yiiframework/YiiBase.php(211): DbConnection->__construct()

So instead of WebUser->prefix() the magic get function is called without an argument. Why??


I found the bug. In the prefix function I called $this->$property. :-[

you named your class RWebUser no? that’s what you should put in your config