Configure application for front-end and back-end

I don’t think that is the default functionality though is it?

This is confusing the sh*t out of me now! Everything is a mess! :(

Well, if you are using UserIdentity class and have in the config such strings:




        // enable cookie-based authentication




and also your backend’s SiteController has accessControl filter and rules:

public function filters()


    return array(




public function accessRules()


    return array(













then, when you are not logged in and try to access SiteController/actionIndex, you’ll be redirected to the SiteController/actionLogin, which has the following code:

public function actionLogin()


    $form=new LoginForm;

    // collect user input data





        // validate user input and redirect to previous page if valid




    // display the login form



It is described in the guide:

Cheers andy.

Now the yiic shell does not seem to work with the admin section. I typed the following:

php protected/yiic shell backend.php

Nothing happens, just a blank line.

The front-end yiic shell works OK.

Any idea what it could be?

The problem seems to being caused by these 3 lines in the backend config file:

‘controllerPath’ => $backend.’/controllers’,

‘viewPath’ => $backend.’/views’,

‘runtimePath’ => $backend.’/runtime’,

If I comment these lines out the yiic shell works OK, but it is for the frontend! Any idea how to fix this?

Any idea andy_s?

I think there can be two reasons: you set accessRules so yiic can’t access your backend application, or you need to edit config/console.php. Didn’t try it actually. Maybe just do crud for the front-end and then copy generated code to the backend part? :)