January 4, 2011, 4:48pm
Hi there!
I try to build a CMenu menu with dynamic subitems for one of the static 1st-level links:
- Link 1
- Link 2
- Link 3 (with Subs)
- Sublink 1
- Sublink 2
- Sublink 3
- [...]
- Link 4
My 1st-level links are static, but the sublinks come from a database and should therefore be dynamic in number.
Is this somehow possible with CMenu (or CDropDownMenu)?
Any ideas on that?
January 5, 2011, 7:50am
Any ideas on that?
Look for my function (shorten version for this post):
function buildMainMenu()
$common_menu_items = array
array('label'=>'Main', 'url'=>array('/main/index')),
$menu = $common_menu_items;
if(app()->getModule('admin') !== null)
$adm = AdminModule::buildAdminMenu();
$admin_menu_item = array(array('label'=>'Admin', 'items'=>$adm));
$menu = array_merge($menu, $admin_menu_item);
return $menu;
It generates static top-level menu items Main and Admin and adds dynamically generated (buildAdminMenu function) contents as items (sub-menu) of Admin menu item. Inside this function you can do, whatever you want. I build menu basing on some configuration arrays, you can build it using DB (assuming you have or know how to write function that retrieves menu items from DB and converts it to array representation, which can be then used in CMenu). There was also an article about menu generated upon database. Look into Wiki (Cookbook).
Maybe this will help you.
January 5, 2011, 1:17pm
Thanks for your input, I got it working
In case someone is interested on how to dynamically generate the CMenu items array:
Model: (retrieve categories from database)
$sql = "[...]";
$connection = Yii::app()->db;
$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
$dataReader = $command->query();
foreach ($dataReader as $row) {
$categories[] = array('label' => $row['category_id'], 'url' => array('downloads/category/cat/'.$row['category_id']));
View: (display the menu with subitems)
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array(
'items' => array(
array('label' => 'Home', 'url' => array('/site/index')),
array('label' => 'Downloads', 'url' => array('/downloads'), 'items' =>
array('label' => 'Upload', 'url' => array('/upload')),
)); ?>
Check if there are any $categories at all.
January 5, 2011, 2:05pm
One thing, though: where would I ideally put the code for building the $categories and how would I include it?
August 6, 2011, 5:57pm
Thanks for your input, I got it working
In case someone is interested on how to dynamically generate the CMenu items array:
Model: (retrieve categories from database)
$sql = "[...]";
$connection = Yii::app()->db;
$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);
$dataReader = $command->query();
foreach ($dataReader as $row) {
$categories[] = array('label' => $row['category_id'], 'url' => array('downloads/category/cat/'.$row['category_id']));
View: (display the menu with subitems)
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu', array(
'items' => array(
array('label' => 'Home', 'url' => array('/site/index')),
array('label' => 'Downloads', 'url' => array('/downloads'), 'items' =>
array('label' => 'Upload', 'url' => array('/upload')),
)); ?>
Check if there are any $categories at all.
thank you. I got it working too!
Im not able to make this work…<br />
I’m new to yii…<br />
So can you please explain how can I make this work…<br />
which part to put were.<br />
for now m getting the error…<br />
undefined $categories<br />
So please help