CMenu and multi-level nested menu


Thanks! However I’m not able to test it right know, as I’m not working on any new Yii project actively.

I’m planning to start a new one within next 3-4 months and I’ll for sure test (use) your extension, as these menus looks great. But until that time you have to test it yourself or maybe other forum member will be willing to test it and post his/her comments here.

Thanks anyway for this extension and good luck! :]

Hi guys,

the Emenu extension work well, but url link only can show when user point exactly at the label text, not the label panel.

Great extension anyway, will try implement in my task. =)

so where do i dump that extracted mbmenu dir? #noob

in protected/extensions

Hello I’m a newbie of Yii and PHP in general :lol:

Thank to your information I made my Yii Menu with multi-items!

I just modified this file [yiiProject]\protected\views\layouts\main.php


  $baseUrl = Yii::app()->baseUrl;  

  $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();





and I changed some lines for the widget

<div id="myslidemenu" class="jqueryslidemenu">

	<!-- <div id="mainmenu"> -->

		<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CMenu',array(





		)); ?>

		<br style="clear: left" />

	</div><!-- mainmenu -->

I’m using jquery 1.8. Are there any compatibility issues with this version of jquery? I ask because the jquery (jqslidermenu.js) was last updated in 2010.

Have you been using this approach on any production sites?

Thanks, Mike

dropdown menu

array(‘label’=>‘Manage’,‘dropdown’ => true, ‘url’=>’#’, ‘items’=>array


							array('label'=&gt;'name of level', 'url'=&gt;array('/controller/action')),

							array('label'=&gt;'name of level', 'url'=&gt;array('/controller/action')),


this works fine.