CDetailView,custom title

How can I give custom title at ‘cat.cat_name’?It is form a related table.

Also how not to show the html tags at values of fields?

public function relations()


		// NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related

		// class name for the relations automatically generated below.

		  return array('cat'=>array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'cats','cat_id' ));



$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(








instead of only ‘cat.cat_name’ write:


        'name'=>'Category name',



Edit (added):

but the column will not be sortable

for the column to be sortable use a field that represents the FK






is there a workaround to make an alias sortable in CGridView?

I have responded in the previous post…

in your model you have cat_id or something similar that is the foreign key for getting the cat_name

so you use





and in the model you have the attributeLabels assigned to the fields so that the column header will be the attributeLabel you set for the field cat_id.


I haven’t explained myself in a clear way. I have a query where in the select I have ‘…(item1+item2) AS items…’

so I want to sort by ‘items’ which is not part of my metaData but an alias…but I already sorted this type of sorting within CGridView.

Thanks anyway.





'label'=>'Your Label',

