can't see Captcha image

Hi guys,

Finally I just did figure out why Captcha image doesn’t show up on my comment form as I did follow step by step code in Controller, Modell and View.

The problem I found out in urlManager’=>array(…) in main.php file I just disable the entire block and wola it works then I manage my URL the way I want and then enable urlManager’=>array(…) and now every things working fine.

So make it sure that your URL are ok as still I didn’t gone through in deep in this problem as why it happened so make also sure the above post solution as it also caused by with some guys.

Good luck :)

Hello. I have the same problem. I have tried all solutions presented here. I use Unicode (UTF-8, no BOM) I have also zaped Gremlins just in case there could be any ASCII in there, but I didn’t find any. I also have tried to change the encoding scheme from ASCII to UTF 8 and back. with and without boom (original encoding was UTF-8, no boom). The blog application that follows the yii installation has a captcha that works and when i move the demo Blog to my webserver it works with captcha out of the box, but not from the same webserver on my new site.

I get this message in firefox when trying to call captcha alone from the site controller:

The gd library is installed with TTF support:

I get no errors in the log or when calling tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log .

Any help would be appreciated.

I solved it. I must have been editing the index.php file with another editor. In the end it was a line break that I added in the index file between…




Such a subtle and invisible mistake. I am not sure if it is due to a change between ASCII and UTF8 or the change from Windows oriented line breaks to Unix, but I think it was the editor. I have been changing editors during the last weeks so that might explain it.

Be careful about the text encoding boys and girls.

So many people have different kinds of problems with captcha that we can create a special topic in the guide (or better cookbook page) about this :D

I have bad experience with cpatacha image before but I found the solution around many issues depend on your settings but the

first and big reason which affect capatcha image is the encoding of index.php for intro run page , main.php in config folder you should encode it with utf-8 with out BOM , I used notepad++ to did that .

second reason : the access rules . but when I CHECK other demos test i did not find any related access rules with capatcha .