Bootstrap - Sass - Gulp - Toolchain

¡Solved! It was a permissions problem. I’m sorry and thanks.

Sounds good :)

Let me know if anything needs to be added to the readme.

The sample application templates has been updated to Gulp 4 and the latest asset build tool-chain pipeline principles :)


Basic: yii2-app-basic-gulp-sass

Advanced: yii2-app-advanced-gulp-sass


Basic: yii2-app-basic-zurbified

Advanced: yii2-app-advanced-zurbified

Thanks. I’ve sucessfully compiled it and running with bootstrap-sass:

Hey Guys,

Just wondering how you handle other assets such as images with this method of registering all your own assets. Do you put in a routine in the gulp chain to just copy these across?

Specific example is just using one of Kartik’s modules, the password strength validator where the css references an image for the password input strength meter.


Replying to my own question, I did get it working by setting up gulp to copy image asses too. But the relative folder paths are of course important so you have to be pretty specific rather than using any generic images sub folder.

I’m using the basic-gulp-sass project from jacmoe and I found that the bootstrap glyph icons were not working (like the gridview edit/view/delete) because the gulp copying fonts routine does copy the font files but does not replicate the sub directories, so the path references to the glyphs was wrong.

Not sure what the best way to resolve this is but I just rewrote the font-face definitions to take out the bootstrap sub directory references in my sass:

@font-face {

    font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';

    src: url("../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot");

    src: url("../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?#iefix") format("embedded-opentype"), url("../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2") format("woff2"), url("../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff") format("woff"), url("../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf") format("truetype"), url("../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg#glyphicons_halflingsregular") format("svg");


I can’t answer your question because I haven’t got a machine with anything set up just yet - been doing a hard upgrade (format and clean install) of my Linux box (the only box I’ve got)

I will keep this in mind, though - thanks for letting me know!

No worries jacmoe! Let me know what you think if you get a chance to look at it.
