Attribuire Jquery Ad Un Oggetto Button

continua a non funzionare il widget :(

puoi passarmi qualcosa di più della tua view?

farò di più te la passo tutta :D

<div class="form">

<?php /* Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('hide_div','



',  CClientScript::POS_HEAD);*/




',  CClientScript::POS_READY);

$script='function aggiungiwidget(){

////clono il widget



////aumento il counter


////lo aggiungi



Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('aggiungiwidget',$script,  CClientScript::POS_HEAD);


<div class="form">

<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(






)); ?>

	<p class="note">Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.</p>




	<div class="row">

		<?php echo $form->labelEx($model_clienti_p,'id_produttore'); ?>


                <?php if(Yii::app()->user->group == 'Admin_Accettazione'){

                        echo "ciao";?>

		<?php $form->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(


                     'attribute' => 'id_produttore',

                     // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

                     'data' => ClientiProduttoriController::lista_pro_combobox(),

                     // options passed to plugin

                     'options' => array(

                        // JS code to execute on 'select' event, the selected item is

                        // available through the 'item' variable.

                        'onSelect' => '',

                        // JS code to be executed on 'change' event, the input is available

                        // through the '$(this)' variable.

                        'onChange' => '',

                        // If false, field value must be present in the select.

                        // Defaults to true.

                        'allowText' => TRUE,


                    // Options passed to the text input

                    'htmlOptions' => array('size' => 10),



                    <?php } else { 

                        echo $form->textField($model_clienti_p,'id_produttore');                        



		<?php echo $form->error($model_clienti_p,'id_produttore'); ?>



	<div id="prodotto" class="row">


		<?php echo $form->labelEx($model_prodotto,'Nome Prodotto'); ?>


                <?php $form->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(

                     'model' => $model_prodotto,

                     'attribute' => 'nome_prodotto',

                     // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

                     'data' => ProdottoController::lista_pro_combobox(),

                     // options passed to plugin

                     'options' => array(

                        // JS code to execute on 'select' event, the selected item is

                        // available through the 'item' variable.

                        'onSelect' => '',

                        // JS code to be executed on 'change' event, the input is available

                        // through the '$(this)' variable.

                        'onChange' => '',

                        // If false, field value must be present in the select.

                        // Defaults to true.

                        'allowText' => TRUE,


                    // Options passed to the text input

                    'htmlOptions' => array(

                    'size' => 10

                    ,'id'=> 'nome_prodotto'




             <?php echo $form->error($model,'nome_prodotto'); ?>  

            <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'quantita_iniziale'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->textField($model,'quantita_iniziale'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'quantita_iniziale'); ?>



          <?php echo CHtml::button('Aggiungi prodotto',array('onclick'=>' aggiungiwidget();'                                                                             





       	<div class="row buttons">  


                         echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('Invia_richiesta' , 



                                                                                                          'beforeSend'=>'function(){ $(\'#col_des\').html(\'<img src='.Yii::app()->request->baseUrl."/images/loading.gif".'>\'); }' ,






<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>



</div><!-- form -->

<div id="sel_prodotto">


             $form->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(

                 'model' => $model_prodotto,

                      // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

                    'attribute' => 'nome_prodotto',

                     // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

                     'data' => ProdottoController::lista_pro_combobox(),

                     // options passed to plugin

                      'options' => array(

                        // JS code to execute on 'select' event, the selected item is

                        // available through the 'item' variable.

                        'onSelect' => '',

                        // JS code to be executed on 'change' event, the input is available

                        // through the '$(this)' variable.

                        'onChange' => '',

                        // If false, field value must be present in the select.

                        // Defaults to true.

                        'allowText' => TRUE,


                    // Options passed to the text input

                    'htmlOptions' => array(

                    'size' => 10

                     ,'id'=> 'id_da_cambiare'





hai provato a mettere il codice che ti ho dato?

si si purtroppo sempre lo stesso risultati , con il tuo andava solomente ad inserire il value , ma a me non interessa quello ma che m carichi il widget

si, sucsa se te l’ho chiesto, ma ho visto che la view ha il codice vecchio.

ci lavoro e poi ti dico

ok grazie, comunque ho trovato una soluzione temporanea non molto efficace ma funziona ovvero.

<div class="form">

<?php /* Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('hide_div','



',  CClientScript::POS_HEAD);*/





',  CClientScript::POS_READY);

//$script='function aggiungiwidget(){

////clono il widget



////aumento il counter


////lo aggiungi




$script='function aggiungiwidget(){





Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('aggiungiwidget',$script,  CClientScript::POS_HEAD);


<div class="form">

<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(






)); ?>

	<p class="note">Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.</p>




	<div class="row">

		<?php echo $form->labelEx($model_clienti_p,'id_produttore'); ?>


                <?php if(Yii::app()->user->groupName == 'Admin_Accettazione'){?>

		<?php $form->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(


                     'attribute' => 'id_produttore',

                     // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

                     'data' => ClientiProduttoriController::lista_idPro_combobox(),

                     // options passed to plugin

                     'options' => array(

                        // JS code to execute on 'select' event, the selected item is

                        // available through the 'item' variable.

                        'onSelect' => '',

                        // JS code to be executed on 'change' event, the input is available

                        // through the '$(this)' variable.

                        'onChange' => '',

                        // If false, field value must be present in the select.

                        // Defaults to true.

                        'allowText' => TRUE,


                    // Options passed to the text input

                    'htmlOptions' => array('size' => 10),



                    <?php } else { 

                        echo $form->textField($model_clienti_p,'id_produttore');                        



		<?php echo $form->error($model_clienti_p,'id_produttore'); ?>



	<div id="prodotto" class="row">


		<?php echo $form->labelEx($model_prodotto,'Nome Prodotto'); ?>


                <?php $form->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(

                     'model' => $model_prodotto,

                     'attribute' => 'nome_prodotto',

                     // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

                     'data' => ProdottoController::lista_pro_combobox(),

                     // options passed to plugin

                     'options' => array(

                        // JS code to execute on 'select' event, the selected item is

                        // available through the 'item' variable.

                        'onSelect' => '',

                        // JS code to be executed on 'change' event, the input is available

                        // through the '$(this)' variable.

                        'onChange' => '',

                        // If false, field value must be present in the select.

                        // Defaults to true.

                        'allowText' => TRUE,


                    // Options passed to the text input

                    'htmlOptions' => array(

                    'size' => 10

                    ,'id'=> 'nome_prodotto'




             <?php echo $form->error($model,'nome_prodotto'); ?>  

            <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'quantita_iniziale'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->textField($model,'quantita_iniziale'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'quantita_iniziale'); ?>



            <div id="prodotto_1">

                <?php echo $form->labelEx($model_prodotto,'Nome del secondo Prodotto'); ?>

                <?php $form->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(

                     'model' => $model_prodotto,

                     'attribute' => 'nome_prodotto1',

                     // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

                     'data' => ProdottoController::lista_pro_combobox(),

                     // options passed to plugin

                     'options' => array(

                        // JS code to execute on 'select' event, the selected item is

                        // available through the 'item' variable.

                        'onSelect' => '',

                        // JS code to be executed on 'change' event, the input is available

                        // through the '$(this)' variable.

                        'onChange' => '',

                        // If false, field value must be present in the select.

                        // Defaults to true.

                        'allowText' => TRUE,


                    // Options passed to the text input

                    'htmlOptions' => array(

                    'size' => 10

                    ,'id'=> 'nome_prodotto_1',





             <?php echo $form->error($model,'nome_prodotto1'); ?>  

            <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'quantita_iniziale1'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->textField($model,'quantita_iniziale1'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'quantita_iniziale1'); ?>



            <div id="prodotto_2">

                <?php echo $form->labelEx($model_prodotto,'Nome del Primo Prodotto'); ?>

                <?php $form->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(

                     'model' => $model_prodotto,

                     'attribute' => 'nome_prodotto2',

                     // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

                     'data' => ProdottoController::lista_pro_combobox(),

                     // options passed to plugin

                     'options' => array(

                        // JS code to execute on 'select' event, the selected item is

                        // available through the 'item' variable.

                        'onSelect' => '',

                        // JS code to be executed on 'change' event, the input is available

                        // through the '$(this)' variable.

                        'onChange' => '',

                        // If false, field value must be present in the select.

                        // Defaults to true.

                        'allowText' => TRUE,


                    // Options passed to the text input

                    'htmlOptions' => array(

                    'size' => 10

                    ,'id'=> 'nome_prodotto_2',





               <?php echo $form->error($model,'nome_prodotto2'); ?>

               <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'quantita_iniziale2'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->textField($model,'quantita_iniziale2'); ?>

		<?php echo $form->error($model,'quantita_iniziale2'); ?>




          <?php echo CHtml::button('Aggiungi prodotto',array('onclick'=>' aggiungiwidget();'                                                                             





       	<div class="row buttons">  


                         echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('Invia_richiesta' , 



                                                                                                          'beforeSend'=>'function(){ $(\'#col_des\').html(\'<img src='.Yii::app()->request->baseUrl."/images/loading.gif".'>\'); }' ,






<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>



</div><!-- form -->

<div id="sel_prodotto">


 //               $form->widget('ext.combobox.EJuiComboBox', array(

 //                    'model' => $model_prodotto,

                      // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

  //                   'attribute' => 'nome_prodotto',

                     // data to populate the select. Must be an array.

   //                   'data' => ProdottoController::lista_pro_combobox(),

                     // options passed to plugin

    //                  'options' => array(

                        // JS code to execute on 'select' event, the selected item is

                        // available through the 'item' variable.

   //                      'onSelect' => '',

                        // JS code to be executed on 'change' event, the input is available

                        // through the '$(this)' variable.

      //                   'onChange' => '',

                        // If false, field value must be present in the select.

                        // Defaults to true.

     //                    'allowText' => TRUE,

    //                 ),

                    // Options passed to the text input

   //                  'htmlOptions' => array(

  //                   'size' => 10

    //                 ,'id'=> 'id_da_cambiare'

    //                 ),

   //              ));



ovvero precaricare il widget e nasconderlo ed al click renderlo visibile(ne ho fatti 2)