I have a view that is to be updated by a dropdownlist selection. This view also includes another dependent dropdown (id_types). Is there a straight forward way of doing this? I can use a renderPartial for the view update, but it does not update the dropdown selections?? If I use the dependent dropdown controller setting html options directly, I cannot update the view??
Selection Dropdown:
echo CHtml::dropDownList('id_category', $assetData['category'], $assetData['categories'], array('prompt'=>'---Select---',
Controller Action:
public function actionAssetTypeData2(){
$key = $_POST['category'];
$selected = '';
$selected = $_POST['selected'];
$model = new AssetsForm();
$assetData['types'] = $model->getAssetTypes($key);
$assetData['type'] = $selected;
$this->renderPartial('/asset/_type', array('assetData'=>$assetData));
View to update:
<span id='type_list'>
echo CHtml::dropDownList('id_types', $assetData['type'], $assetData['types'], array('prompt'=>'---Select---',
echo CHtml::button('Add Type', array('onclick'=>"checkCategory('#dialogAddType');",
echo CHtml::button('Delete Type', array( 'submit'=>array('asset/DeleteType'), 'class'=>'assetControl2',
'id'=>'del_type','confirm'=>'Are you sure?'));
echo CHtml::button('Edit Type', array('onclick'=>"checkCategory('#dialogModifyType')",
echo '<br/><br/></br>';
$this->renderPartial('/asset/_attribute', array('assetData'=>$assetData));