Add jQuery Mobile

I may sound like an #¤%, but seriously: yes, Yii has jQuery UI bundled, but only due to the Zii widgets use of it.

That’s entirely optional, though.

Why can’t you just use jQuery Mobile and get it over with?

Does it really have to be some ‘official’ part of the Yii code base?

Sorry, but what you use isn’t relevant at all, really. You can like it or not, but jQuery UI is already part of Yii. Also, being Yii jQuery-based (active controls etc.), Zepto is redundant, you should respect the jQuery ecosystem. jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile are part of the jQuery ecosystem. Moreover, you haven’t any lock and you can use your beloved Zepto if you want. If devs disagree, they should also remove jQuery UI, it’s a matter of consistency and I’m a rational, coherent guy.

Zii is part of the framework, it was a separated package but it has been merged. Consistency.

Bundling jQuery UI is IMO a mistake. ;)

Yii users should be able to use whatever we want to use. The framework shouldn’t make choices on our behalf.

Fortunately, it doesn’t mean a lot in practice, so I don’t care much. :)