a little problem with ajaxButton inside CListView

so i have this: CListView that order by a counter field lets call him importance

in views/Projects/index.php:

            $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

                'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

                'itemView' => '_view',

                'template' => '{sorter}{pager}{items}{pager}',

                'enableSorting' => true,

                'sortableAttributes' => array(




                'enablePagination' => true,



in ProjectsController actionIndex

        $dataProvider0 = new CActiveDataProvider('Projects', array(

                    'sort' => array('defaultOrder' => 'importance desc',),

                    'criteria' => array('condition' => 'type=0',)



        $this->render('index', array(

            'dataProvider' => $dataProvider0,


and in views/projects/_view.php:

the call to the buttons

echo CHtml::ajaxButton("+", CController::createUrl('projects/AjaxPlusMinus/', array('id' => GxHtml::encode($data->id), 'x' => '+1')),array('update' => '#data'));

echo CHtml::ajaxButton("-", CController::createUrl('projects/AjaxPlusMinus/', array('id' => GxHtml::encode($data->id), 'x' => '-1')),array('update' => '#data'));

each time the user press on one of the buttens they calld the ajaxPlusMinus function that simply add 1 or -1 to the counter importance and than update in ajax the CListView

the order by importance is working right the problem is when the sorting work and change the order of the divs the buttons affecting the other field until i refresh the page its hard to i attached a photo to explain:
